Logbook entry

Personal Log - 3 - 24 September 3305

So I made it to the NGC 5281 star cluster and spent the past week mapping dozens of new star systems I've discovered.

There's some amazing sights to see out here in the Sagittarius Gap. For a gap there sure are a lot of stars...but I guess that's what you find in a star cluster.

I thought I'd make better progress toward my goal over the other side of Hawking's Gap. Just can't help myself though. I gotta scan every little thing I see and explore all those amazing surface sights. Hehe, I'm a bit of a fan of the old retro Earth movies and TV shows and I even found myself a mountain that seriously looked like it was right off the starting screen of that old science fiction show Star Trek. You know, the mountain? Probably not. Nobody watches those old movies any more. Man, did they get the future wrong...haven't seen any cube shaped ships lately and they obviously had no idea about Thargoids!

Think I've got about 30 odd star systems to my name and still counting. Found a magnificent trinary a few days back. Thought I'd include a photo I took using the remote droid.

Anyway, off back into the black. Got a long trek today. Hoping to cover a couple thousand light years...if I can stay off the bloody scanner. I feel an itch between my shoulder blades. Saw another ship the other day. At least I think it was a ship. It was right at the edge of my radar range and I'm not sure what it was but then it was there a couple of jumps later. Again, not close enough to quite see what it was but I can't help think someone's stalking me. So tonight I'm boosting off and making a stack of quick jumps to see if I can't put some distance between me and what ever it is. If he's hanging off like that watching me, he can't be thinking good thoughts...and me rigged for exploration.

I'll check in once I reach the Lin-Shu Hollow.

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︎2 Shiny!
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