Logbook entry

Personal Log - 4 - 27 September 3305

Passed through GREAE EOQ KS-J B28-0 about a week ago. This is a 'green' class exploration system so I spent some time exploring some of the geological sites on a couple of the planets here picking up the materials I need to boost my FSD range.

I noticed a very interesting feature in the sky here. There is an elongated cluster of about 30 stars all in close proximity and forming an almost straight line. I've looked on my charts and can't seem to find it. Got me curious. I'll have to keep an eye on it during the next couple of jumps and see if I get any closer...might have to go check it out.

Yeah, well I did. On the way I passed through a system with a large class F star and discovered a beautiful planet I've named New Tasmania. After detecting the planet during a scan I headed straight toward it. This tiny blue dot in the distance eventually resolved into a beautiful blue and green ball. It's almost exactly the same size and gravity as Earth with a nitrogen oxygen atmosphere. It's a bit over 3 AU from the star but since the star is so big and bright the surface temperature sits at a comfortable 16oC. The planet even has an axial tilt meaning there are seasons. This one goes onto the list! The line of stars turned out to be just an unremarkable cluster but I'm sure glad I went to check it out.

I've resumed my journey now and I'm approaching the Lin-Shu Hollow.

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︎1 Shiny!
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