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Chasing the UIA log #1

09 Sep 2022Drago
Alright let's give this a try

Log #1 the beginning /current date 10.9.3308
Alright so as far as I know after the salvations mess up multiple large presumably thargoid objects have been spotted flying towards the bubble. One can hear them on their FSS if they are close enough and there appears to be at least three of them…commanders can also see them from multiple light years away. Their unofficial designation is the unidentified interstellar anomaly or the UIA for short. As I'm writing this the one closest to me should be is in the Oochorrs  SZ-N D75 system by tomorrow 12:00 o'clock.

Currently I am mining yittrium about 400 light years away and with my ship that has jump range of around 36 light years I plan to go to a nearby thargoid site where I plan to analyse the structures and the drones as well as do some research and exploration…maybe even encounter an interceptor so we'll see.

You might be asking how did I get into this ?
Well the answer is simple I've been flying to get my resources…you know get some engineering done and because it's a very long flight about 40 jumps I decided to read some log books from other commanders and the UIA caught my attention as well from one of the logs from fellow commander Athum I notice that the alimony was close by and because I'm really interested about thargoids…and no I don't mean that I'm interested in talking with them I'm just interested in them overall because the more you know about your enemy the easier it is to defeat them and also because I'm bored heh.

I also wonder what these objects are…they just appear out of nowhere and head straight forward the site of the salvations weapon, most people think is some kind of a giant ship and honestly…I'm with them…what else could it be ? And honestly, I want to find out because what has kept humanity alive all these thousands of years… our knowledge and our understanding of our surroundings...when we don't have that we die… yeah I shouldn't start getting into a discussion about humanity and stuff so I'll cut the log here… good luck to all the commanders out there flying through the emptiness of space in search of knowledge and understanding.

commander Dragonis Morningstar…signing off
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