Cmdr Rexicles
Lawyer / Rescuer
Registered ship name
Hoopy Frood
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Imperial Cutter REXCUE
Overall assets
A.C.E. Exploration

Logbook entry

Space Trials Log #2

16 Mar 2020Rexicles
About 800 ly out of squadron HQ, assessing travel rate and supplies.

Hmmm. So I think I got overexcited when I bought this Cutter. Just because I can fit it with weapons larger than a lot of ships in my fleet doesn't mean I should fit it with planet killing lasers. Note to self for later review to see how much of an impact on mass and jump distance removing all offensive capability has. It's comforting to know I could entice a stupid pirate into a chase whilst I fly backwards and boop that snoot, but I haven't seen any human contacts in 200 ly. In previous expeditions I've occassionally run into other explorers - most of whom have darted possibly suspecting I was there for their cargo.

Who pirates twenty thousand light years out of dock? Unless of course you have a rogue SRV transmitting your co-ordinates to their secret rover kabal.

Although I'm not thrilled with the idea I may want to test the remlock suits capabilities in an SRV destruction test - I've fitted a large enough bay on the ship to hold two in case one is destroyed. The manual claims that if an SRV is destroyed the suit engages and the auto-pilot on your ship will scoop you up. Never one for trusting manuals but if that's true I don't want to be stuck out on the rim confined to a ship with no SRV. Worse, if I need jumponium I'll have no way of replenishing. That'll be a long, tedious journey back to dock.

I'll have to choose an SRV to take one for the team and have purposely remained emotionally distant from these two new SRVs. I suspect Susan is slightly depressed out here and may be a viable candidate. Will keep a watch on this situation but yesterday she deployed and just sat there on a planet for ten minutes, just looking back at the ship. Very odd behaviour.

Log ends.

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