Cmdr Rexicles
Lawyer / Rescuer
Registered ship name
Hoopy Frood
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Imperial Cutter REXCUE
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A.C.E. Exploration

Logbook entry

AE Judicial Case: Frodo Swaggins vs. The Vulture 061

20 Oct 2020Rexicles
Selected Court: The Magistrates Court of Wallace City
Hearing Type: Case: Management & Initial Pleading

Case Summary
In the matter of Swaggins vs. Vulture, the plaintiff has alleged that the defendant made threats to his life and and those of his family members whilst off-duty on public communication systems. The Lord Chief justice is presiding, with all senior members of the A.C.E. Exploration issued with writs to appear before the court as witnesses - at the discretion of the court.

The plaintiff has now been in touch and is in the middle of submitting evidence. Leading the prosecution is the Right Honourable Richard Waterston, QC.

Representing the defendant as his Advocate is Duke Virtuvian, Combat Flight Leader of AE & selected by the Defence Resolute pro bono charity.

The charges entered are Conspiracy to Commit Murder, Conspiracy to Commit Fallicide & Conduct Unbecoming of an Officer of the Squadron. The court denies the defence motion to demote the Murder charge to "Conspiracy to Commit Justifiable Homicide". The prosecution motion to obfuscate the identities of character witnesses is carried, with the exception of the AE SC - being that a public figure in the organisation has no reasonable expectation of privacy, and that the SC would be expected to provide such testimony of his pilots.

Writs for Witnesses
Plaintiff Character Witnesses: Yet to be entered
Defence Character Witnesses: Rexicles (Squadron Commander), [redacted - classified], [redacted - classified]

The plaintiff is allowed 20 calendar days from this date to submit further evidence to support his claim, including witness statements, documents, images / records of comms and his own statement. Such evidence will be logged to a document which will be made available publicly (with aliases, pseudonyms or alternative identities redacted for the security of all parties).

The defendant has entered the plea of "Not Guilty" at this time; and also has 20 calendar days to submit evidence in support of his defence, including the items and examples noted previously. Advocate for the defence is responsible for the collection and submission of this evidence.

The next hearing will therefore be a criminal case at the High Courts of Justice here in Wallace City.

End of Hearing
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