AE Judicial Case: SwagginsX vs. Vulture - Application c.f. Plea
21 Oct 2020Rexicles
Selected Court: The High Court of Wallace CityHearing Type: Case: Application Hearing
The defendant and his advocate have now spoken, and with the considered evidence are now changing the plea on a single charge, that of Conduct Unbecoming.
The court has received no further communication from the plaintiff - other than (I quote) " and my squad will personally target all of your players, specifically newer players and force your systems into lockdown.". However it appears that the plaintiff saw sense in allowing these proceedings to complete before taking any action seeing that there are zero reports of contact in the last 24 hours. It is assumed that he does not wish to submit any further evidence and the advocate has indicated that there is no more evidence to collate for the defence.
As a result of the disclosure period completing some 18 days ahead of schedule deliberation will now begin. Expect a response at earliest tomorrow.
Hearing complete and case adjourned until summation, verdict and sentencing.
End of Hearing