Cmdr Rexicles
Lawyer / Rescuer
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Hoopy Frood
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Imperial Cutter REXCUE
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A.C.E. Exploration

Logbook entry

Newtons 3rd Law

16 Dec 2021Rexicles
Whenever one object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite on the first.

- Sir Isaac Newton, 1686.

Timeline of Events
Event 1
Date unknown - Guardians expand into systems previously seeded by Thargoids. Despite cataloguing, translating and communicating in the Thargoids language, all offers of deescalation are rebuffed. War ensues between the two species resulting in Thargoid retreat.

Event 2
Circa 2810-2850 - Human ship disappearances noted in and around the Pleides after humanity begins regular travel into this area. Hyperdrive malfunctions noted in some cases where pilots were able to return. Footage recovered in 2849 of non-human vessel, leads to naming aliens "Thargoids"

Event 3
Some time in 3111 - Azimith Biochemicals hires scientists to investigate and research barnacle and crash sites in the Coalsack nebula. At some point after arriving the teams base comes under attack from Thargoids. Possible recovery of a Thargoid Sensor or Probe from an interceptor recovered from the survey site which is attributed to the malfucntions aboard the Adamastor (and it's disapperance).

Event 4
Circa 3125 - Colonists in the Veliaze system allegedly come into contact with a Thargoid depuation and attack if out of ignorance. After this generalised attacks by Thargoid vessels occur on human ships.

Some time in 3151 - End of the first Human-Thargoid war after the Thargoids vanish. Later disclosures from limited records indicate that INRA deployed a bioweapon to attempt to eradicate the Thargoids. GalCop is effectively weakened by the effort so much that it begins to collapse.

Event 5
Circa 3270-3280 - The Alliance uses GalCop-captured Thargoid vessels to design and build a new type of hyperdrive system called the Frame Shift Drive. Technology stolen and shared with other superpowers. The Club supresses intel about Thargoids in order for them to again become a myth.

Event 6 (Ongoing)
Apr 3303 - Reports of Federal Navy convoys coming under attack by Thargoid interceptor-class vessels. It is later disclosed that these convoys were transporting UA's (Thargoid Sensors), which at the time were illegal commodities.

Sep 3303 - Independent pilots start being attacked by Thargs directly. Aegis produces first AX weapons and Thargoids technology also escalates with new interceptor types. Sites focused on research of Thargoid Probes and Sensors, but the conflict escalates and continues to this day.

Event 7
Oct 3306 - Adamastor appears after centuries-long voyage without any crew. Humanity starts farming meta-alloys in the Coalsack Nebula as a result of data retrieved from the Adamastor. The Alliance Assembly establishes outposts with support from independent pilots. Terraforming begins on AWs via Sirius Atmospherics.

Dec 3306 - Massive, coordinated attacks on Coalsack and Witch Head nebulas by the Thargoids. Multiple stations damaged.

Event 8
Apr 3307 - Salvation appears, encourages independent pilots to help decrypt the secrets of the Adamastor log entries point to its sister ship. Aegis sparks a massive campaign to collect huge amounts of Gaurdian artefacts.

May 3307 - Thargoids attack Aegis CG-related system in huge numbers. Aegis mega-ships depart Delphi and are chased by Thargoids - Federation refuses entry to Aegis megaship.

June 3307 - Salvation contracts Glorius Prospect megaship to collect as many Gaurdian artefacts as possible from a recently discovered Guardian-Thargoid battle scene.

Event 9
Aug 3307 - Discovery of Oaken Point after a data cache timelock expires. Azimuth Biochemicals iniative "Project Seraph" revealed to be an initiative to integrate a human pilot with Thargoid ships, as recently as 3303. Indications are that one subject escaped. A merchant / former Black Flight contractor delivering materials to the Seraph sites was later tracked by Black Flight to Colonia, and encrypted details of scans of the Seraph sites in a cache.

Event 10
Sep 3307 - Salvation issues a warning to evacuate everyone from Cornsar, claiming that a Thargoid incursion is imminent and that a superior detection system to Eagle Eye now exists. Thargoids attack Cornsar shortly afterwards. Thargoids unexpectedly withdraw leaving crashed ships on planets, but there is no sign of destruction in the system (space).

Event 11
Nov 3307 - Coordinated increased incursions across three nebulae by the Thargoids. The same locations as has been the focus of the war since 3303.

Dec 3307 - Salvation asks independent pilots to supply classified materials to the three central incursion locations as a matter of urgency. Days later there are reports of a visual event by commanders in one of the systems; Vox Galactica confirms that all Thargoids have withdrawn, again leaving no space debris but a number of crashed vessels in system. This is the second apparent mass-genocide of aliens by the entity known as Salvation.

Summary of Events & Inferrences
  1. Azimith Biochemicals experimented with methods of attracting & capturing Thargoid ships
  2. AB also experimented with human-Thargoid physical interfaces, often by "enhancing" human test subjects
  3. Thargoids operate aggressively wherever their perceived territory is invaded, or their technology has been acquired
  4. Humans have developed bioweapons specifically targeting Thargoid physiology
  5. "Salvation" appears to be able to predict the arrival of Thargoids with unnerving accuracy
  6. "Salvation" can deploy a mechanism to force Thargoids to withdraw from entire systems - including multiple systems at a time
  7. Independent pilots have been asked to supply classifed materials to mega-ships prior to each triggering of the "Salvation" device
  8. This weapon may be housed on megaships which have been present at each one of the "superweapon" events
  9. Multiple discoveries were covered up by Aegis, GalCop, Azimuth and other (unknown) organisations over the centuries of human space travel e.g. CH Zeta 12

At the moment so little is known of "Salvation" speculation of an actually identity is impossible with any greater degree of certainty.

However what is absolutely obvious is that at every juncture where species paths have crossed, we can see that Thargoids are merely responding to an invasion of their perceived territory. First the Guardians and then humans. Given the span of existence we should also assume that the Guardians were not the first species to encounter the Thargoids - we may yet still uncover archealogical sites out in the galaxy which indicates other species similarly experienced this phenomenon.

We also know that Azimuth was officially closed down, although continued research & development operations. There is a strong possibility that the same hunger to learn more about non-human technology simply continued under a different guise. We have references to discoveries being removed from official view and collated by shadowy organisations. Palin himself came under threat around the time the 2nd Thargoid war began, and more of these incidents are likely to come to light.

Therefore we can safely assume that there is at least one clandestine group concealing the research into non-human tech; more importantly that they are weaponising it. There is a lot of political capital to be gained in userping Aegis and Eagle Eye, along with the leaders who signed the major powers up to the shared agreement.

Cornsar appears to have been a ground test for a new piece of such military tech, but what is perhaps more intriguing is how "Salvation" could predict the arrival of Thargoids. The most plausible explanation for this could simply be the June 3307 collection of Guardian artefacts - perhaps "Salvation" placed those artefacts in Cornsar to attact the Thargoids there. A baited trap in effect.

This successful test paved the way for the wider used of this technology more recently in the three key systems under incursion - like sharks scenting the smell of shark blood they scattered and withdrew immediately. So is the new technology a weapon, or a device which emits signals similar to our shark blood example in effect? Humans have devised ways of preventing Sensors and Probes from affecting the stations they were stored in (c.f. "UA Bombing").

Whatever the specifics we can summise that "Salvation" appears to be an organisation rather than an individual. Perhaps a sentient non-human entity, such as some form of AI - it is plausible to consider that a corporation with a military arm is using some sort of advanced intelligence to help deconstruct and engineer new levels of technology. Both sides of this conflict are guilty of genocide and it doesn't appear to show any signs of slowing.

Perhaps I would stray to far into tin-foil hat territory if I were to say that this "Salvation" moniker may just as likely be a synonym for "The Witch" referred to by Azimuth Biochemicals records as it could be a Guardian Construct, harnessed by a human corporation. The reality is likely far more mundane and steeped in human greed.

So; in short we know that humanity now has a capability that can push all Thargoids out of any system it is used in. This device needs to be "powered up" with deliveries of significant amounts of... who knows what. Most likely a non-corrosive non-human tech derivative. Question is that if we have been able to extrapolate so much info about the technology, surely we have been able to decipher language, cultural data and so forth.

So why are we not communicating or disseminating this latter pool of data with academics who might actually be able to help de-escalate from war? Or are we all still on the narrative where Thargoids don't do diplomacy, unlike Veliaze in 3125? The underlying (hidden) narrative seems to either be entirely contradictory or completely obfuscating the true nature of events. Aegis and Eagle Eye have failed to detect and repulse incursions and "Salvation" is quick to instruct violence - even though no independent commander has yet directly witnessed the device in operation.

Surely this is more human-induced greed setting the stage for a need to buy more of a product - and "Salvation" seems to be the one about to set out a shop front.
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