Logbook entry

Exo Trip...

20 Dec 2021Microponto
After being in the bubble for so long, I've decided to make a flash trip to a place I've never been to, so that I could collect some exo biology... I wanted some place far but not too far away, so I went to Galaxy Map and decided to go "East" for the first time... In a matter of minutes, "ETA Carina Nebula" was marked as my destination. I don't know if, like back in horizons, Biology has a prevalence in and around nebulas, but I played it safe.

At first I undocked my travel Anaconda, the one that took me to Beagle Point and back but, as I was leaving my carrier, I thought about the huge time it takes to reach the neutron cone, since it arrives in the system. So, as I have my old Krait Phantom also prepared for 'jump' and with the size 5 dual engineered FSD, I decided to give it a chance. Went back in and traded the 'conda for the phantom.... I gotta say I have no regrets.

After plotting a neutron path with the help of spansh, I exported and imported the file into EDMC, I just love that way of travel
Then I hit the road.... the neutrons road

Along the way I noticed I was getting close to another nebula, so I made a small detour (3 jumps) to go there...
It was the "Statue of Liberty Nebula". How cool can that be?! instead of visiting one nebula I could now visit 2.

Statue of Liberty Nebula

I got some Biological data and moved along since It's not a big nebula, only has a few systems inside. My main destination looks a lot bigger.

Neuron here... neutron there.... after 50 something jumps in total (and some more due to the small detour) I arrived to destination.

ETA Carina Nebula

How beautiful it is... and it's large... so many systems inside... \o/

I gotta say I made some incredible memories there...

Stayed for 3 days, jumping in systems and taking biological samples....
Then, I felt compelled to get back....

Back to neutron highways

I made it to the bubble in one go... Wasn't that far... 9000 ly...
Sold Cartography data and delivered Exo-Bioloby...
But most of all, I had incredible fun.... Making another 'neutron' trip, visiting beautiful places, unknown to me. Remembering exploration is a very cool thing when we're in the mood for it.
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︎3 Shiny!
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