Logbook entry

Moved on from MAIA and into hell.

26 Jan 2017Derpbuddyuk
Been longer than anticipated i moved from my location after the hunt for ET failed not one interdiction.
However received a strange message from RAM TAH something about ALIEN ruins so i jumped the hell from MAIA and headed to this location called MEENE.

Finally arrived after a day of endless jumps and got given the mission this is un known worlds to me so was reluctant but the credits and 100,000,000 million swayed me to take part.

Found the location of the ruins and it's going to take me 17 jumps to get there going to be a long journey there.

Arrived and every CMDR in the universe is there after locating the ruins i set down and took some sleep as the journey killed me.

I woke late the next day checked my ship systems and everything was a 1 i had decided to set down next to anaconda over night for security purposes logged in and was i shocked i had 5 million in credits for nothing.

After looking in to this i found that parking next to another CMDR the scanned data is transferred to your system and you gain nice.
Took on some fluids got in to my buggy and decided the have a look so entered the hanger and went outward strange planet dark and very strange noises coming in to my system.
Planet surface is like a race track with everyone trying to gain this data scanned a few points and earned some credits after today's scans now on 10 million this beats the rare run from ZAONCE to WITCHHAUL.

Been here 3 days now scan after scan exploring this place picked up strange items urns orbs etc left here by some ancient race taking as many as i can and going to sell them for profit.

Woke up logged in and bang the place is empty apart from me and a CMDR in a cobra everyone has taken off community goal over well missed that one after checking my system 15 million in the bank.
Said my farewell to the cobra and wished him safe journey 17 jumps now to MEENE plotted my route and decided to head back this place is quiet now been strange yesterday a small armada was here now nothing.

Lifted off at 1500 and seven jumps in nothing then bang got interdicted by a couple of Anacondas took light damage jumped out quickly as no way they were gaining these relics i have a small fortune in my hold jumped several times changed direction then bang FSD flew me in to a system damn bad luck empty on juice.
Tried looking for scoop-able  sun nothing 10 jumps from MEENE not good powered all systems down was about to call fuel rats and received a message from my buddy i served with in the planetary wars he was 10 jumps away from me.

He re fitted his anaconda and started to jump to my location with fuel limpets after an hour he was here transferring the fuel over good thinking he bought an escort with him in a tai pan that did perimeter security for us as i was sure them anacondas were out for blood.
After an hour my ship was back to 100 % fuel sent him a few relics over as a gesture to which he was amazed at the least i could do he had a present for me my old HALO suit from when i was in had not seen this for years i thanked him for this.

Thought the ex wife had taken everything when she left for that new job on LV -426 hope something nasty happens to that bitch she milked me dry after i left the corps.

My buddy and me winged up and eventually headed to human space first stop MEENE get my reward and off load all these relics for profit met my buddy in the station bar got smashed on every drink consumed way too much but enjoyed the catch up had not seen this guy for a while.
He told me a few things apparently a dropship was seen rather some what lacking in crew these damn things normally carry about 60 colonial marines plus ship crew so that s like 70 plus.

He had seen it the other side of the galaxy he didn't get too close as it had strange markings and damage  to it a scan showed a couple of survivors in bio tubes these things were only used for well long jumps where the hell had this thing been.
He said before he could gain any more info a wing of colonial fighters jumped in with a frigate and a cruiser told him to power all systems down and prepare for boarding.

A load of colonial marines boarded and ripped his ship apart after de briefing him  a company guy boarded his vessel from some corporation some Wayland yutani and questioned him about his location and where he had been erased all his ships data and told him he had never seen any of this.
This guy i served with and shit like this would not have bothered him but i could clearly tell this had scarred the shit out of him.

After a few more beers he calmed down and i asked what was the ships id if it's a military vessel they all have these i said that is what scarred the hell out of me he said  it was our old vessel the SULACO this ship was de commissioned after the halo wars impossible but he quoted the id and that made me feel un settled.

I told my buddy to wait here and i headed straight to the contact i had arranged to have these relics i told him of both ships what we had and how much and where i was he said wait there so i headed back to my buddy i was getting scared now and for once i wish i had a pulse rifle with me.

An hour later a guy in a very plain smart uniform with some troops in armoured suits with weapons i had never seen before they arrived with the contact my buddy took one look and said nice knowing you i felt the same would we be erased like my buddies data.

The company guy came over sat down and pushed a data file in my direction 6 million for my relics 1.5 for my buddies i showed my pal and he nodded i pushed for 8 and the company guy agreed but with a clause all my ships data was to be transferred to him and we were to sign a disclaimer of all knowledge both me and my buddy agreed and we signed this over.

Before they left we both sighed as we both wanted away from this quickly before leaving the company guy stated speak to no one and the money will be transfered  the soldiers took guard over us for 10 minutes after the company guy left no rank markings or names just black armoured suits that looked like they were experimental.

The one who was clearly in charge said CMDR's the money has been transferred you are cleared to leave now must be com's in that helmet as i could not see any radio or anything his voice was clear and precise this is how i knew that these were definitely military and not rent a cops.

We left said our farewells and i headed out to SOL the money was there in my account from an blank source 3 jumps out and my systems went down then re started strange. Then my buddy sent me a message by a secure means we only did this when shit hit the fan we both served so alert mode came to mind.
message read "Compromised system on ship tracking beacon installed location and data transfer" shit the bastards had installed beacons on us wondered why it took so long for them to let us go i replied "seen out" i then got in touch with the sarge damn best engineer i knew told him securely and he came to me ripped everything they had installed out. All this company yutani weyland high tech shit he said very hi tech he asked if he could have it i agreed he reset everything installed something nice for me something to make me be a ghost like in the old recon days.

Contacted  my buddy and he had done the same he was heading to the new CG new system new start the COLONIA migration said i should join him after all this i felt like it but i had one last thing i wanted to gain the SOL permit after leaving the military this was my sole thing gaining this so back to grinding whilst my buddy headed out.
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