Logbook entry

Sag A Speech

04 Jun 2017Shadow Wolfe
Alright....Alright....Everyone quiet down please...Sit down please....Thank you for that vigorous applause...Thank you...It was nice.

Its been a long and arduous trip to Sag A, full of wonder and spectacular sights. I have seen Black Holes kissing Neutron Stars and so many other things it would make a baby cry. I have scanned so many virgin systems and planets, my finger aches. The over 200 million in scan data will be a nice addition to my billions though. The trip took roughly 577 jumps, but had I gone in a straight line might of been able to knock off 5 or 6 from that, maybe more.

I would like to thank my AI, Eva, for without her, this would have been a very boring trip. 'Cept for that time she got a touch of space dimensia and she would talk to herself incessantly and do things to the ship, like push me into a neutron once, or that black hole, didn't think I was ever gonna get out of that one. Just remember this if you ever get pulled into a black hole, fly to the light.

I would also like to thank our esteemed leader, Commander StevieG, for if I had taken any of his advice, I would have never left the station. And as well, our Chief Executive, Commander Magmanus, for whose technical abilities far outshine those of the engineers...thanks for tweaking my FSD so I could make those 210 Light year super jumps.

I would also like to thank all my brethren in Delta Squadron for their support and cherished letters....wait...what?....Y'all didn't send any letters? After all I've done, and all the light years I have travelled, you couldn't take a few minutes to write me a letter. Alright, Alright, I'll settle for a beer.

I would also like to thank my trusty steed, the DBX, Shadow Squirrel, she jumped the furthest and scanned a hell of a lot of planets, almost ran out of fuel once but she squeaked in at the last.

I would also like to thank all the citizens of Vestani, for whose love, support and tax revenue or this trip would not of been possible. Your Esteemed Governor has reached another milestone. Don't forget, I'll be expecting a parade upon my return.

I accept this Explorers Award with heartfelt thanks and gratitude. It will sit on the dash of each of my ships to remind me of this awesome 25000 Lightyear trip.....wait....what do you mean theres no award? But...but...I should get an award.....I deserve an award....what am I gonna put on my dashboard now? You couldn't come up with a blasted award to remind me of this harrowing, excruciating time wasting trip......
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︎1 Shiny!
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