Logbook entry

A mountain in a hole

20 Mar 2020Nerys Nymei
It's evening and as usual I decide to find a suitable spot to land and spend the night.

I am a bit nervous because Celeste has found a neutron star not very far from my current position... and it is an undiscovered one.

This means firstly a lot of money, if I'll be able to approach and scan it without being fried like a potato. And secondly, it could be my access ramp for a neutron highway. Not the main one, of course, but a suitable substitute. It could cut in half my travel time towards Colonia. Yes, it would cut also my profits, but currently I am rich enough to take a break.

But I'll think about it tomorrow. Now I need to land, and this small rock seems good enough.

While I approach the surface, I notice a lot of craters. Small, big, craters inside craters. One of them seems particularly interesting.

Funny how many craters seem to have a small "mountain" in the middle. Damn, Jim, I am a doctor, not an astrophysic, so I have no idea why this feature is so common. Note to myself: I'll check the Galpedia to learn more about this interesting fact.

The planetoid seemed small from space, the crater was modest, and the central peak just tiny. But when I approach it, the scale definitely changes.

Should I avoid it entirely and land in the safety of the crater flatness? Yes, I should. Yet...

"Celeste, scan for a landing spot on the top of the peak".

"Aye, Commander. Possible landing spot at three-zero-two degrees, one thousand four hundred seventy three meters. Highlighting it on the terrain radar."

"Good. Deploy landing gear. Shift vertical thrusters on manual."

"Per your instructions, Commander, I am obliged to remind you of your, I quote, stupid idiotic crashlanding."

"Noted, Celeste. I'll be careful. Now call the minimums".

"Aye, Commander. One hundred... Right... Ninety... Eighty... Left... Left... Seventy. Forward. Sixty... Slow down... Fifty... Forty... Slow down... Thirty... Twenty... On mark. Ten... Five... two... Thrusters idle. Touch down".

"Yeah. Good girl. Shut down everything and secure the ship".

"Aye, Commander."

I look outside. It has been a crazy idea... but the sight was worth it.

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︎24 Shiny!
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