Logbook entry


27 Mar 2020Nerys Nymei
So I jumped in this system and immediately the cockpit was flooded in blue light. My first neutron star.

"Wow, Celeste, it is very beautiful! Why is it so blue?"

"The star itself is not blue, Commander: is just the reaction of the canopy shields. The star emits an electromagnetic field and a stream of x-rays. Without the shields, from this distance it would kill you in few seconds."

"You just ruined the magic, Celeste".

"Sorry, Commander".

I moved slowly forward, paying attention to avoid the exclusion zone of the star... but the Fairytale nose drifted left.

"Celeste! Is the gravity pulling us towards the star?"

"Negative, Commander. It is a thrust problem".

"What do you mean?"

"I am detecting a failure in the thrust master navigation controls. The ship is not able to maintain a correct course."

"Oh, wonderful! Something that can be repaired with a limpet?"

"Negative, Commander. It prevents us from hyperjumping, and I am afraid it cannot be repaired automatically. We will have to land and check the problem manually."

I gulped. "Landing? In a neutron star system?? You just told me that the radiations would kill me in few seconds."

"Correct, from our current position. But the DSS detects a small volcanic planet that is orbiting the other main bodies, a binary couple of red stars. It is very hot, but your suit should be able to shield you for a longer time."

"Well, what other choice do I have? Set a course for the planet."

"Negative, Commander. The thrust master system does not work: you'll have to pilot manually and compense for the drift"

"Oh, great. A manual landing on a radiation-flooded planet. A planet hot as hell. With a ship that spins on its own. Have I forgotten something?"

"I think it is enough, Commander."

"So do I, Celeste. So do I."

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︎17 Shiny!
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