Logbook entry

A day in Colonia

04 Aug 2022Buffalo Alien
Since relocating to Colonia I have missed my Type-9 for trading runs. It cost an arm and a leg to have it shipped out here from the Bubble. It should be here within a few hours. 450 million to get it here. It's the last of my ships to be brought out here. I've been slowly shipping all my engineered modules and other smaller ships here. Sold a few that I'll buy again at some point but under a billion in the bank right now, it's time to save.

It is a simpler life in Colonia. Not as many distractions keeping me running in circles. Been able to concentrate on upgrading suits and weapons and I am pretty close to being content with what I have. It seems there is always another option after I have finished engineering a suit or weapon that makes me start working on another. My Artemis suit I was impatient and just added better shields because I had the mats. Never worth doing that. Take your time and think it through since the mods can't be altered.

Currently working on one more Maverick suit with improved battery, improved tool and backpack for my main suit. Even though there is always a way to recharge at settlements sometimes I just don't want to be bothered. Especially if I'm having to use the arc cutter a lot and zapping doors. Debating on quieter footsteps for the final mod, that one just comes in handy all the time. I already have a good all-purpose Maverick and another for Ninja purposes only.

I must say the plasma Tormentor, Executioner and Intimidator are really fun to use, especially after getting them all engineered. Been doing more CZs and started doing some harder intensity ones that kick my butt pretty good. In the process of engineering all the suits and weapons I have managed to get myself unfriendly and even hostile with some minor factions out here. Since it's such a small area compared to the bubble this can cause unplanned issues when doing missions, etc. (making the mistake of doing a delivery to someone at a settlement I am hostile with for instance) so the CZs I'm hoping will get me back to neutral with ICU Colonial Corps and GalCop Colonial Defence Commission.

It does get a little old pounding on the same factions so have to think outside the box.

Overall, I like it out here. I think I'll head out to Sag A soon just to explore a bit and get some more bio work done. However, these on foot missions have really opened a new door of wonder in Odyssey. Glad I switched from Xbox, but I do miss my Distant Worlds 2 logo on my ship
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