Logbook entry

Galactic Pathways 2: Departing Jacques

26 Feb 2017Tarm Wallunga
Well, I have had my fill of this neo-civilization already. There really wasn't a lot here for me to do in Wayfarer, of course. Opportunity or Night Razor would have been better optiosn for the types of missions being offered out here. Such is fine with me, though. I'll be back out in the black in no time, and I think I have my eyes set for that most distant of prizes - Beagle Point. 46klys away from Colonia, a long time in the black. Considering that it took me about 10 days or so to get to Colonia, and that was with only minimal scanning and poking about, I am expecting this trip to take the better part of a month, if not more. I am thinking of scanning bit more often, as well, but we will see how that goes. Granted, this time I won't be racing the clock to get to where I am going, like I was with the trip to Colonia. No deadlines to beat, and the smuggler part of me gets to take a backseat on this joyride.

Stocked up on plenty of smokes and beer though, at least, I hope I have. Even once I make it to Beagle Point, its still going to be a month or so, perhaps more, before I am back in the land of the living. Just about every spare cubic cent is covered with cases of beer and smokes, if it wasn't alrady dedicated to carrying stock consumables - food and water, that is. Course, the entire cargo bay is open, but that will be for other uses. This could be interesting.

I hope I don't lose my shit on the way out. Or back. That would be....problematic. Abyss staring back at me and all.
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