Logbook entry

Galactic Pathways 3: The Far 3KPC Arm

05 Mar 2017Tarm Wallunga
5th March, 3303
Current Region: Far 3KPC Arm
Distance to Colonia: 6660 light years
Distance to Sol: 27,582 light years

I have decided to do some sort of weekly update with a progress of my ..well, progress, towards Beagle Point and the further travels of your favorite hero. To that end, here are this week's updates and short bits of journal entries. Nothing special, really, aside from a minor setback that may or may not have involved some alcohol and a higher than normal gravity level on a random planet. And a free trip all the way back to Jacques Station.


27th February, 3303
Current Region: Far 3KPC Arm
En route to BP-2, 659 light years distant. Spent some time recently prospecting as I haven't done much in that regard yet. Shoot big rocks into little rocks, then zoom back and forth scooping up said little rocks with the cargo scooper. Nice to have real gravity beneath my feet, even if it is less than a tenth of a G. Either way, though, time to head back out, and press on to the next 1kly-WP.

3rd March, 3303
Current Region: Far 3KPC Arm
En route to BP-5, 378.5 light years distant. Suffered a moderate setback and was forced to return to Colonia. Have since recovered and resumed my journey towards Beagle Point. I've decided to do some prospect along the way, in addition to the usual scan and searching for ELW's. For the moment, I have decided to focus on acquiring Arsenic, though of course, ever the opportunist, I'll take what I can get. Of course, its nice to go dirtside from time to time, too. Roaming around in the Scarab can be quite.. exhilarating.


A shame, really, that I don't have much to say yet at this point. Perhaps in the future there will be more entries. In the meantime, I haven't really gotten much feedback or encouragement (god forbid) from Father, yet. Perhaps he will send something. Perhaps not. I've learned long ago not to count too much on that man. Still, I seem to set myself up for failure by including him in anything that I am doing, for ill or naught. I'll still keep reporting my progress to him, too, just to keep him in touch, and keep WallCorp up to date of my findings out here. Ever the good lil corporate slog that I am. Pfft. Whatever. One day I will see the fruits of my labors....one day.
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