Logbook entry

Galactic Pathways 5: Through the Orio-Persean Conflux

18 Mar 2017Tarm Wallunga
Relatively quiet series of reports this week.  Finals are coming up this week starting the 21st, so time to play has been a bit sketchy.  Perhaps next week things will get more interesting.  Additionally, I have taken to uploading images into the Gallery here, but as I think I stated on one photo (or maybe I didn't), I don't take a lot of pictures, and even with the ones that I do take, only a couple get uploaded to Inara.  Having said that, what I have up are what I think are pretty cool moments during my progress through the GHP (Galactic Highway Project).  To that end, I hope you all enjoy the written and photographic works I have thrown out there.  And, with that....here we go with this week's "progress" report!

12th March, 3303
Current Region: Orio-Persean Conflux (OPC)
En route to BP-15, about 320 light years distant.  Been in a new region since yesterday, the Orio-Persean Conflux.  Presently sitting about 34.8Kly from Sol, and 14.6Kly from Colonia.  At this point, I am still 31.6Kly from Beagle Point, our current destination.  Stars are losing their luster and the brightness of the galactic core and base arms are taking longer to come into clear view once through the light pollution thrown out by the local star(s).

13th March, 3303
Current Region: OPC
About 460 light years shy of BP-17.  Hunt for polonium continues though not a dedicated or even a concerted effort.  Just want to find it at some level other than less than 1%.  I think the best I have seen is 0.06%.  If I ever do find it at 1% or higher I might just shit myself - as I turn the nose of Wayarer towards the planet or moon and mine that crap, that is.

14th March, 3303
Current Region: OPC
En route to BP-18, minimal delay (only a couple jumps before I hit the waypoint).  Attached is the image I dug up from the NavCom for a nebula I saw while zinging out from some star or other to scan a gas giant.  Given my attitude at the time, the nebula appeared to resemble the old-school hand signal for "OK".  Thus, I am hoping to perhaps take this image I found and possibly submit it to officially call it the OK Nebula.  By the time I saw it and found it in the NavCom, it was already 2+Kly out of my way, so I didn't get a chance to actually check anything out that way.  Still, it would be kinda cool to get my name associated with the naming of a nebula that, quite possibly, very few have seen at any distance.

15th March, 3303
Current Region: Persus Stem Region (PSR) - NEW REGION!
About 1000 light years from BP-19.  Been seeing a few more non-main sequence (and thus, non-scoopable) stars over the last couple of legs.  In the last 1Kly-leg there must have been at least 8 or ten, compared to the one or two I might have seen, at most, previously.  This has caused me to be a bit more aware of the fuel tank's level, as well as cutting in a smidge deeper on the stars as I maneuver around them from the drop-point to the next jump.

16th March, 3303
Current Region: PSR
Roughly 160ly from BP-19.
Nothing much to report, aside from the fact that I crossed the 40Kly from home milestone.  Not a major achievement, especially compared to all the things past explorers have accomplished, but for me, its a nice thing to achieve.  I'm cool with it.
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︎3 Shiny!
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