Logbook entry

Galactic Pathways 6: Into the Styx

24 Mar 2017Tarm Wallunga
Crossed through a couple galactic regions in the last week since the last update.  Took a few pictures too, which I suppose I'll be kind enough to share with you, you faithful stalker/journal reader you!  Not much in the way in journal entries this week though, but there is some stuff there, I suppose.  If you look hard enough.  Enjoy!

17th March, 3303
Current Region: Perseus Stem Region
En-route to BP-22, about 570ly distant.  Haven't seen an earth like in a couple days, polonium is still as scarce as ever.  Some dark stretches are fast approaching, mainly the Styx region but I should be ok, insofar as that one is concerned.  According to the info I have found, Wayfarer's legs are just (barely) long enough to cover the depths.  Crossed over into the Boreas region before settling down for the night, just one minor step closer to the Beagle Point goal of this stretch of the GHP.

18th March, 3303
Current Region: Boreas
En-route to BP-23, about 75ly away.  Found a system with polonium in it, but only at .03%.  Very low numbers, or maybe they're just a bit below normal for this element.  I said shit, screw it, and let's see what happens, and went down onto the icy body.  Wouldn't you know - scooped just enough polonium to make a couple full range FSD injections if I need to later on in this expedition.  Just hope the ship holds - I've never used the stuff before and I have no idea what it will do to my only safe way home.

19th March, 3303
Current Region: Boreas
Distances: Sol - 44.2kly; Colonia - 24.6kly; Beagle Point - 21.6kly.  I am no past the halfway point to the next stop - closer to Beagle Point than I am to Colonia where I departed from.
Now that I have some polonium I won't have to worry about jumponium in case I get stuck while crossing the Abyss or further on.  So for now I can focus on the hunt for more ELWs, great views of the cosmos, and getting closer to Beagle Point.

21st March, 3303
Region: Boreas
1000ly from BP-27.  Number of jumps per leg have increased, from 33 to 36 or 38.  Presumably this is becase the stellar density has dropped off dramatically, and the NavComp has to be more....crafty.. in finding a route to my not-quite-so randomly selected waypoints.  Regardless, we continue to press on.  By we I mean, of course, me.  And the ship.  This...slick box of metal and wires...my.. home.  My mobile home.  My jump-mobile carriage through the stars. Christ I'm starting to get stir crazy...Oh look - a mountain!  Let's go check that out..haven't seen a mountain on a planet in...shit, a long damn time.  Usually been just dried out and/or frozen canyons or the universally ever-popular craters.  I shall name it ....hm..  Oh! I know! Pimple Rock!  On account of it, you know, looking kinda like a pimple, just begging to be popped.

23rd March, 3303
Region Boreas
1000ly from BP-28.  Lot of ground to cover; hung out dirtside checking out Pimple Rock for too long.  2000 light years to cover before beer kicks too heard, and the search for more ELW's must continue too.  Noticing a strange lack of gas giants along this 1kly leg - Curious.  And no shit - no sooner do I make this thought into a note for the journal do I jump into a 4-star system sporting four gas giants and a slew or 12 of attendant moons.  
We have crossed into the Styx region.  Named for the inky black River Styx of Greco-Roman mythology, this was the river that carried the dead into the underworld and for which passage to cross had to be paid to a man with a three-headed dog.  Cheers to you creepy mytho-people.  Without you, the universe might have been boring.
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︎3 Shiny!
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