Logbook entry

Galactic Pathways 7: Lonely Encounter

02 Apr 2017Tarm Wallunga
Little in the way of action, though I managed to score a few good screenshots, had a random encounter with another explorer, and crossed the 50Kly milestone this past week.  Considering my options for the continuation of Ties that Bind; my main, leading, thought is to have the next installment around about the time Tarm makes it back towards the Galactic Core, possibly with an installment prior to that.  Haven't put a LOT of thought into it just yet, but I am thinking about having something for that story line sometime in the next week or two, real life permitting.  In the meantime, here's this week's "journal".


24th March, 3303
Region: Styx
Enroute to BP-30, 700 light years distant.  During this section of the journey I encountered another explorer, CMDR Decembrance.  After a few attempts to actually pin each other down we finally managed to "meet" in real time/space.  Shortly thereafter, of course, we were both back on our merry, and separate, ways through the void: He towards Colonia, and I towards the Point.


26th March, 3303
Region: Styx
Enroute to BP-31 at about 700 light years distant.  Took readings from start points and present destination:
Distance to Sol: 49,301
Distance to Colonia: 29,862
Distance to Beagle Point: 16,382
Slowly getting closer.  Sadly, also running precariously low on beer.  Should have asked for some from that CMDR I met up with several jumps back.  Maybe he would have been kind enough to donate a few to the cause.
Also, crossed the 50,000 light year line somewhere along the way in the last 24 hours.  Again, as before, not a major accomplishment in the grand scheme of things, and frankly its just a check block towards the almighty 65K+ group, but still, an accomplish in either way.


27th March, 3303
Region: Galactic Aphelion
Enroute to BP-33, about 800 light years distant.  Only thing of note at this point is that I am now in the region of space that occupies the galactic rim in about the same distance from the Core that Sol and the human bubble is.  Thus, the name: Galactic Aphelion.  There are a few things of note out here, but none that are directly on my flight path.  Coming up soon, and one that I will be closely keeping an eye out for, is the Abyss - that region of space beyond the Scutum-Centaurus Arm (that contains the Galactic Aphelion) and the very tip of Sagittarius-Carina Arm, in which lies Beagle Point.  This is going to be a rough crossing, I think, but with the data gleaned by previous explorers (and one specific route, aptly named "Smuggler's Route", in particular) I am sure I will be able to cross the Abyss.  What may slow me down, however, is the amount of backtracking I may need to do depending on the specific stellar density in the area I will be passing through.  I won't know for sure until I get there, but am confident that Wayfarer will see me through.  Speaking of my lovely ship, here's an image I took during orbital ascent from a planet upon which I had rested for the night.  Starting to take some wear from the stellar voids, but beyond a few percentage points in losses to various components, she is holding up rather nicely.  Sadly, such is not the case for my beer...or my smokes.


28th March, 3303
Region: GAP (Galactic Aphelion)
En route to BP-34, about 900 light years distant.  Picked up some technetium from a 2g world; beyond that, nothing significant to report.


29th March, 3303
Region: GAP
Enroute to BP-35, about 860 light years distance.  Once more, nothing significant to report; just fly, jump, scan, repeat.  Taken to being a bit less thorough in my scans in order to accelerate this process and get to Beagle Point already.  By accelerate, I mean I'm lucky if I have really made progress with how much time I'm in a given system.  Truth is, if there are no planets, I don't even bother running a detailed scan on the star.  If there are planets, I scan the local sun, and if any appear to be potential ELWs, then I head out to check them out.  Unless I am looking for a specific mineral or need a place with at least a modicum of gravity for a night's rest, that is.  Beyond that, in, scan and out again, on to the next system.


30th March, 3303
Region: GAP
En-route to BP-37.  Again, NSTR - crossed about two thousand light years in this period, exhausted and ready for rest, however.  Will continue this again later, after much rest, a few drinks and a smoke or two.  Finally found an ELW, though - first one in at least several thousand light years.  Granted, as mentioned previously, I haven't been looking as hard as I could be, in the interest of making distance.  However, will be looking regardless in the future; they're out there.  Just have to find them.  Not that I'm expecting any colonial efforts in the near future this far out into the middle of fucking nowhere.

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︎3 Shiny!
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