Logbook entry

Galactic Pathways 10: Through the Roncevaux Crossing

08 May 2017Tarm Wallunga
The last couple weeks have been quite uneventful - just plot as far out ahead as I can before the stellar density becomes, shall we say, questionable?, and then plod on until I get there.  Fortunately, I discovered the Roncevaux Crossing, and after a minor course correction, began making my way down it to get across the Abyss.

So, there I am, in a region of the galaxy that the first explorers elected to name "The Bleak Lands". Taking directly from the EDSM databases:

Stretching across 15,000 LYs of the Scutum-Centaurus Arm, the Bleak Lands are an enormous expanse of sectors that contain very little in the form of nebulae and star clusters. It is a conundrum that has baffled astronomers since the early days of ultra deep space exploration as to why this part of the galaxy is in stark contrast to the beauty and content we enjoy throughout the Orion Spur region.

So, on the one hand there isn't shit out here, but on the other, as I make my way closer and closer to the Core, I see more and more stars and the cracks and crevices and fissures and holes in the galactic rim bulge ..the bulk of the Milky Way, that is .. are becoming much more distinct.  So I don't know if this is a problem or a potential hazard, or what, just yet.  What I do know is that I am now in the neighborhood of about 55k light years from home, and steady progress is steady.  Usually.


Christ I wish I knew what was going on back there.  What is dad up to?  You know, aside from the daily grind of wheeling, dealing and stealing from the other corps and people all around him.  In all this time I have been out here I have yet to receive a message from him, or anyone associated with WallCorp, even, regarding what I am doing out here or, for that matter, anything else.  I find that particularly odd, but make matters worse, my mother died a while back, and while all the signs indicate natural causes, I receive word that that might not be the case after all.  And then that line goes cold on me as well.  Two weeks since I heard from Johnny Hermes; not even a ping indicating he received my reply.  

Since then I've tried a few rusty connections I have with people throughout WallCorp; the best I got back was that I wasn't exactly a welcome name at dinner conversation.  That doesn't necessarily mean I have been fired, per se, and so far as I know I am still the legitimate heir to the corporation (not that I really wanted it, mind you).  So why am I being blocked in just about every effort to find out what really happened to my mother? Frustrating doesn't begin to explain a bit of how I feel, stuck all the way the hell out here in the back end of space.

And, the crème de la crème - I ran out of beer.  Fuck this is going to be painful getting home.
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