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The Great O Run Saga

11 Apr 2016Tarm Wallunga
Ok to call this is a saga is such a misnomer that all the great writers and poets who have previously come and gone before will all probably collectively roll over in their graves, spit on my name and roll around some more before going back to their eternal slumber. I don't care about that. Besides this is my journal and anyone who wanders here that has a problem with the words I jot down - well, there's a big red X somewhere for them to mash and move on.

At any rate, the run was easy. Land at Harvestport, Kappa Fornacis, scoop the available O from the local dealers and run over to Tereshkova. Now, the funny thing, them feddies, they got this idea to destroy the O because of the purported problems - addictions, crime, health, blah blah blah. So they offered this chance for people to turn it in for destruction cuz of all its inherent evils. Bah. What do those stupid politicians know anyway? The more you make something illegal the more people want to use it, anyway. Don't they know that? But no, them crazies in suits gotta take the initiative, make a stand. Make it look like they're doing something good for the greater betterment of their constituents. You know, the people they think that care that turn out at the polls every term. So, instead of turning in as much O as I can get my hands on to the "proper authorities" at Grandin, I'm gonna take it to Tereshkova instead. Besides, someone's getting mighty high on literally thousands of free O right now I guarantee it, and I'm not gonna just give away a half dozen tons of O. Not that like. Cheeky bastards over there I'm sure.

But the funny part is, given my line of work, maybe taking it all to Grandin might have been a better deal in the long run. Oh sure - short term it's gonna blow my way, them fortunate winds that favor the bold. But if that purple crew in Altair get it their way then O will be legalized. And then the feddie bastards can tax the shit outta it and make even more money. And screw us lowlife 'lancers over. God I can see it now - cargo handling certifications and license fees, not to mention a cut outta my profits. Dammit. I may well have borked the pooch on this one.

Oh. Did I mention that guy that tried to pull me down to take a crack at my cargo? Haha. Apoc. Bout all I caught of his transponder handle. Tagged me twice between Altair and Tereshkova dock. First time I dipped so fast he couldn't even hail me. Cmon brah, I'm too good for this. I didn't even care, either, as I made a straight line approach to the dock after whisking myself away, too. So of course he tagged me again, pulled me down (I suppose I could admit that I simply cut my FSD once his tether hit, but meh - devil isn't always in the details, eh?) again. This time he booped something about cutting thrusters and submitting to a cargo scan. My reply? The classic: "Nah." And then I boosted back out again. With a shit eating grin on my face too, I might add. Oh sure he fired his lasers at me, and truth be told I might have had a chance with my four multicannon against his Asp. But honestly, if I don't have to chip the Opportunity's paint, why bother, right? Ended up heading back out after sealing the deal at the dock and ran into him again for a third time. I'm damn near ecstatic at this point, but that could have been the beers in my belly, too; I don't know. He hailed me again and I had to tell him I had nothing since my cargo holds were empty. Don't think he liked that too much. Whatever - waggle the ol'wingtips at him since he was looking right at me, and then - well, you know what I did. Boost boost jump, bitch. Hahaha. Good times. Can't deny it.

Ah well. At least them purple boys gonna pay me something for my efforts. On top of my own profits, I might add. What's 21K times a dozen or so again?  Oh yeah. A lot of free cash, once that cool million creds get tacked on. Not bad for a weeks lazy efforts. Now on to something more enthralling - mineral extractors for one system, or maybe a lil hide and seek in another.

Could always go back to greasing the wheels for a permit to wander about the Sol system. And then there's always good ol' boy Archon too. Hmmm
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