Logbook entry

Enjoying my booze and what comes next

23 Apr 2016Tarm Wallunga
So, the booze runs were outrageously lucrative for me - over 8 million credits for a weeks worth of work, amounting in some 220 odd tons of various types of booze delivered to Mansfield. Ok, ok - as I said before, I may or may not have kept a few bottles just for myself. Call it operating expenses. Or a gratuity that I felt at liberty to take for myself.

So, here I am, back in Ito Gateway, heels kicked back in the little temp apartment I'm renting for a while so I can be free to run more missions out of here in the name of the grand Flunky Federation. I feel as though I am getting much closer to my goal of authorized access into the Sol system. Course, I could just get out there and boost my way in the old school way, but I don't think the local security would appreciate all that. Not to mention the fact I really don't feel much like defaming old Mother that way - she is, after all the birth place of humanity and the seed that sprouted into this twisted dark tree of the bubble that we have become. Why would I want to piss on that? Besides, once I get into the Sol system and get to kick up a bunch of dirt there, maybe I'll get a good look at those feddie gunships..or assault ships, or whatever. I hear they're pretty good, maybe I can knick one for myself and start wandering around the pirate hot spots, make a name for myself and turn in some bounties. Hah! Wouldn't that be a hoot? Me - a bounty hunter. Licensed and bonded and everything, after all I've done that werent' always in the best interests of those with a badge or an oath to some power. Hah!

Nah, I think in the meantime I'll cool my heals around Rhea system and run some jobs, pop a few pills and enjoys these five fingered bottles of Eranin Pearl and that bile distillate - you'd think, with a name like that, something distilled from bile, of all goddamn things, it would taste like straight ass mixed with musk glands, but its actually not that bad. Especially when you slice it with some cold cola. And a dash of grenadine. Just for the color. But yeah, pills and booze for the night - shoulder's been acting up pretty bad lately and then in the morning I'll be back out that after it again. Rated as a midshipman; should make petty officer by the end of the weekend.

So, what else comes next? I have no rightly idea. The frosties in Winter's camp seem nice enough even if there are some aspects of our efforts and campaigns aren't exactly my cup of tea. Combat, for instance. Not exactly my strongest forte. Don't get me wrong, when it comes down to it I can spit some shit and I've earned my fair share of bounty tickets. But at the end of the day maybe running gear and supplies and bursting blockades is what I'm better at. And I'm ok with that. Really. Boost boost jump, you know my motto.

Ooh, my pills are feeling nice. "May cause drowsiness. Alcohol may intensify this effect. Use care when operating a car or space-borne vessel or other heavy machinery". Hah! Oh those docs - funny lot aren't they? Yeah, think I'll log here and find something on Ito's webnet to stare at until I can't see straight and the ol' lids get heavier than a elephant on a high-g world.
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