Logbook entry

Out on the Prowl

04 May 2016Tarm Wallunga
Well, there you go. I got something like 8mil in my last jaunt through the verse, that being the Robigo run where I picked up something like four or five missions for a total of about 8mil as previously mentioned. That puts me in a position where I can purchase a new ship well outfitted and seasoned for the jaunt (I admit, I like that word. Get over yourself mate, you got your favorite words too) off into the black. I haven't made up my mind just yet where exactly I would like to go, or if I'm just gonna go wander off into the unknown and then make my way back with some amazing tales of discovery ( not to mention the almighty exploration data to boot!). For the nonce (it's a word; look it up, mate) though I am considering very strongly to head off to the neutron star fields that reportedly lay around the 10 - 20,000 light year mark. Not sure I have the time, to be honest to make it out that far and then back again. With my operational tempo, my last trip to Betelgeuse (something like 1000ly if memory serves) took over a week, but then again it was in a Viper...or was a it a Vulture? Three jumps and dry tank, that's all I remember.

At any rate, I'm off, into the wild black yonder....somewhere. Over there. That way. Second star to the right and a tall mast to steer her by. Yeah. I went there. What are you gonna do, find my wake and trail me? I bloody fucking dare you. I'm a ghost. On the wind. The solar wind. Or the void. Witchspace. Yeah. Witchspace ghost and shit.
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︎3 Shiny!
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