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Now you see it...

08 Sep 2022Aranaya
The Anomaly, after a weeks-long journey through interstellar space on the far side of Barnard's Loop, was on course to arrive in Oochorrs JE-C c15-0 on Sept 9, when it surprised researchers yet again by inexplicably vanishing.

The light it gave off, previously visible hundreds of lightyears away with no apparent speed of light delay in defiance of the laws of physics, has suddenly disappeared, baffling independent explorers and the Canonn astronomers who were just beginning to get a handle on measuring its movement and speed. However, the Anomaly itself evidently still exists, its presence confirmed by the disturbing audio signals revealed by Filtered Spectrum Analysis at a range of up to thousands of lightyears away.

It is now more difficult to track than ever, yet not impossible. "All is not lost," the Canonn Interstellar Research Group's press release assured, as its scientists prepare to track the anomaly by sound alone.
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