Logbook entry

The reality...

27 Nov 2020Synthya Wylder
Something was wrong... horribly wrong. Alarms shrieked as the ship shook, & she & her mates scrambled into their plain grey coveralls. Metal groaned, that unforgettable deep, guttural tearing sound, more of a vibration through the structure than anything else, almost as if the ship itself was crying out for help - & with so few conscious & able... Her mind whirled as she clawed her way to Control, she & her mates being thrown this way & that, frantically checking one system & scanner after another - there it was! A pang of terror, then panic threatened to dissolve her into a helpless puddle. A rogue planetoid, right in their path, & the ship's auto-nav system desperately trying to alter course to avoid it. Normally, it would have sufficed, detected at this range, despite its substantial velocity, but the stresses involved exceeded the already-damaged ship integrity & it began tearing itself apart. One panel after another either flickered out or turned red, indicators angrily flashing. She could see her mates' shoulders sag & begin gently shaking, plainly sobbing in despair. She quickly decided on some motivating words in desperation.
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