Logbook entry

The heartbreak...

27 Nov 2020Synthya Wylder
She awoke sometime later. The auto-distress was working, so she activated her comms unit, calling to her mates... Nothing but the spurious random static of deep space whispered back. Again... still nothing. A memory of a saying arose, something about, "In space, no one can hear you scream". Her heart ached for all those that perished on that day & she mourned for the unknown fate of her mates, her lovers. Sobbing, she fought to control her emotions. It seemed, in space, no one hear you cry either, she thought bitterly. She administered medication from the medkit to calm herself & slow her metabolism. No telling how long she'd be floating out here, she thought. They had been, after all, heading out to deep unexplored space, planning on continuing their search for potentially-habitable locations for their fellow colonists.
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