Logbook entry

A rather expensive special order requisition...

27 Nov 2020Synthya Wylder
The Station Director leaned back heavily in his chair after seeing the medical officer leave out of the corner of his eye. He thought carefully for a moment before leaning forward again & hitting a key on his Comms panel on his desk.

The face of 1 of the personnel appeared on his screen & gave a bored response, "Requisitions." A tiny moment's pause, then, visibly straightening their posture. "Oh! Sir! Yes, Director! What may I do for you, Director?"

"Contact Achilles Corp. & send in an order for 1 of their robot units. I need it programmed for... um..." He ticked off a mental list on his fingers. "Basic Protocol... Linguistics... Personal Assistant, with interactive subroutines..." He paused, trying to think of what else might be needed for their unique newcomer. "Oh, yes, & include a detailed history database. I'll also require an open programming access key." He nodded to himself. That ought to just about cover it... for now.

He could see the Requisitions officer's eyes starting to widen. "Sir... Yes, Sir. Any particular design? I recall there were options available now, mentioned in the trade publications... & Sir, if I may confirm, your order, with these options, may amount to a substantial sum of credits...?" the face & tone asked timidly.

"Yes. I know it will, & file it under 'Special Projects'. What were the new design options you mentioned?"

"Well, Sir... there's the standard model of which I'm sure you're familiar... the recent addition is called, 'Sappho'..." A picture from their sales ad appeared on his screen; he peered more closely at a softer, less imposing, more rounded feminine design. He thought quickly, considering how their newcomer might better react to that form. He nodded in satisfaction.

"Very well, include that in the order." The picture of the 'Sappho' unit was replaced with the officer, who looked away for a moment, plainly calculating the total sum, & then looked back to the Director, visibly gulping.

"S-Sir... with delivery, the total credits will c-come to-"

The Director interrupted with a snap, "I don't need to know the details, have Accounting & Finance tend to it! Just have them enter it under 'Special Projects'."

The face of the officer nodded, "Y-Yes, Sir. It's a special order item, & transit time for delivery should have it here within approximately 10 days, or less, depending on favorable shipping routes. Considering the expense, Sir, I strongly recommend-"

"Secured Courier? Yes, valid point. Now, get it done. Out." the Director again interrupted & impatiently slapped the key to disconnect. He found it irritating & tedious to involve himself with all of the mundane operations of the station's many divisions & their activities, & heaved himself out of his chair & strode back to his dispenser holding the remainder of his Void Coffee & poured himself another steaming mug.

He returned to his chair, careful not to slop any more of that precious brew along the way. "So many complications", he sighed to himself as he took a welcome sip, eyes gazing through the steam at something visible only to him.
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