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Out of current logbook timeline - breaking in my Type-10

22 Dec 2020Synthya Wylder
Sooo... what a day... Heya, Dave! <drags her fighter pilot in with her & studies the drink menu> [OOC - Dave is the NPC barkeep in my squadron's Bar section]

Ummm... wonder what a "Brawler's Brandy" is like? Or... mebbe... a "Wasted on the Rocks"? <thinks about it for a moment, looks back on her day> We've had more of a brawlin' day than one spent with the rocks, so... a "Brawler's", please, Dave! & whatever my fighter pilot Joan here wants. She deserves it, & it's on me, despite her making a bundle lately... <Dave promptly prepares their drinks & they find 1 in each of their hands>

Fellow Primates, Joan here today made Expert, & never lost her fighter! <raises Joan's hand up & then claps>

There we were, mining the big ring around Arexe 1, me piloting the Dyngaswr chewin' on the rocks & Joan here riding shotgun in her Condor Rogue F, & things were goin' as you'd expect, but it was kinda... <glances at Joan> boring after a few hours, right? <Joan nods vigorously>. Nary a pirate in sight, & Joan here, reminds me on the comms that she still needed to do some ranking-up, so we went looking for some trouble in the low-level RES.

Things went about as anyone would suspect; Joan riding shotgun, popping a pirate here & there, & zipping off to tend to a few that tried to get away, & we got us a system goin'... don't we, Joan? <she nods again, grinning>

With my main ship bristling with laser turrets, aside from a couple of mining lasers & a couple of small gimballed MC 'ticklers', I'd pull their pants down & then she'd start smackin' their bare asses! Worked like a charm, & usually, even before Security showed up... the most they did was scan us after, as I'd be sending a collector limpet or 2 to pick up materials & I was quick to set 'em to ignore canisters, cuz who knows what's hot & what's legit, right?

Anyway, things are goin' pretty steady for several hours, 1 or 2 at a time, occasionally 3, or even sometimes 2 wings at once... but no idea why, all of a sudden, we're gettin' several wings at a time, right after another, wave after wave, non-stop! I was getting tired & I know Joan was too... several times, she'd comm in, telling me that she was takin' damage, her shields would be down, & sometimes even the hull on her fighter, but she kept goin' after 'em, like a rabid bulldog on fire... even my ship, with an 8A shield & 4 boosters, was losing a ring or 2, & once in a while, all rings were down & thank the gawds I equipped it with Reactive bulkheads & 2 5D module reinforcements, cuz that started takin' hits too... & the hatchbreakers were flyin' like a swarm of angry hornets... but those 4 PDS I set around the cargo hatch... not a one of 'em got through!

Well anyway, <pauses to take a calming breath> we decided that there's no reason to push our luck for the day, & we decided that discretion was the better part of valor... I shut the cargo hatch, & pipped the engines & boosted outta there. Soon as we cleared mass lock, I told her to bring it on in, I got a few repair limpets goin' & we high-tailed it back to Janes. <stops to share a double high-five with Joan>

After payin' for repairs, re-stocking, & Joan's piece of the action, profit's still around 14.5 million creds today; I think Accounting is still tallyin' it all up. So, I think we done good. <grabs Joan's free hand & does her happydance>

I think we're both looking forward to a nice dinner, drinks & a long hot bath... not together... yet... <shares a sly wink with Joan>
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