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Log #001 - The Bickering

03 Dec 2018Leo Keatonn
CMDR Leo Keaton, Log #001, December 3, 3304
Docked in INS Morning Star at [LLFC] RED DAWN in HIP 17403

After a few days of travel I've arrived in the Maia sector. Its nice to get away from the politics of the bubble sometimes, I will serve my emperor until my dying breath but having to deal with the constant bickering of the Imperial senate takes a toll on the mind. I needed sometime to just step back and review the bigger picture.

The Federation and Alliance are up to something, there is no doubt about it. As to what it is exactly I cannot say, however having gone through the data collected by our Congressional Spies in the federation It is clear that the number of Alliance pilots whom are giving themselves up willing to work under the Federation is shockingly high. It seems that the Feds are recruiting these pilots in secret, either for their "defensive" efforts against us or as a new program to counteract the terrorists threat that we both face.

In all honesty I would prefer it if the President would be more open with his policy on these matters. This is not something we should be doing on our own, we need to work together if we are to root out these terrorists. Someone else is clearly pulling the strings and I intend to get to the bottom of it.

As for now I will be keeping my assets in the Maia sector until further notice. Some time spent away from all of this would surely do me some good.

CMDR Leo, Signing off.
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