Logbook entry

[ Interception 11.25.3306-0821 : CMDR -> CVL ]

25 Nov 2020Leo Keatonn
[ Encrypted Communication Log Intercepted ]
[ Interception 11.25.3306-0821 : CMDR -> CVL ]

- Receiving Transmission . . .
- Message:


Elias you don't understand. It goes so much deeper than we could have ever imagined. I don't know what their goal is but I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that this is no coincidence that this move by Core Dynamics has come just after the terrorist attacks. The threat against the life of Hadrian Duval was just the beginning. These aren't some overenthusiastic idealists. There is a much bigger plan at work here. Something bigger than we could have ever thought possible.

The Alliance and the Federation are moving to shift the balance in the galaxy. The terms of the arrangement have changed. And when they learn of your heritage, there wont be anything I can do to help you.  

Elias . . . I know we haven't always seen eye to eye, and I haven't always been there for you. But as your brother I beg you, get your family out of Federation space. The last thing I want is for you to be killed in some backwater Federation jail.

I am including a ticket with this message. In a few days A cargo freighter named the [■■■■■■] is going to be making a stop at [HIPP: 82396]. It's owned by Commander [■■■■■■■■■■■■], you can trust this man. I've known him for many years and if anyone can get you safely into Imperial space, it'll be him.

I hope we can see each soon . . .

- Jason

> 5472616e 73706f72 74617469 6f6e206f
> 66203720 50656f70 6c652061 74207265
> 71756573 74206f66 204a6173 6f6e204c
> 6574746f 0a0a544b 54232035 3438372d
> 34313236 33207c20 503a3a37 207c2044
> 6573743a 20436172 74686167 65203c4d
> 61726b65 72204465 706f743e 20


- Message ends

[ End of line ]
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