Logbook entry

Release Day

28 Mar 2020OculusReborn
Inmates Reinhardt and Warren! Get your shit and get the fuck out of my prison! You're day is here. From reading your dossiers, I look forward to seeing you back here shortly! - Warden William Smithers

I looked over at Eclipse, "What an asshole!" I'll be looking to interdicting his ass one day! We walked out only to realize since we were committing criminal acts in our ship, everything that we earned, stole, owned and procured through "nefarious" acts were confiscated. We had to take the "prison shuttle" to a system and start over. Eclipse states that she's pissed and this royally sucks Thargoid ass! Well what do you expect? We're pirates that got caught. We got dropped off in this dump called Deb Station in Djabugandji. We scavenged about this station doing menial jobs here and there. Occasionally taking a little "extra" because well...we felt we were being underpaid due to our status as "convicted felons".

We finally managed to get enough to buy a Hauler and outfit it for some basic space surfing. Engineers won't even speak with us till we "prove" ourselves to them. Utter bullshit if you ask me. I give you money, you engineer my shit. Simple transaction if you ask me. These overpriced, egotistical grease monkeys think the world revolves around them. Pfft. Anyone with laser cutter and some selenium can engineer armor, but noooo...these pyjacks take over your business so they're the only ones left to do it. So we're just gonna make do with what we got till then.

We travel to a few systems to record some data to sell till we spot a holo-sign advertising Hutton Orbital. We plot a course there to drown ourselves in barrels of Centauri Mega Gin! Arriving in the system, we set the computer to our destination only to realize the insane distance this station is located. Eclipse looks over at me and says, "You know supercruise assist in standard on all ships now. It was put there so pilots like us can set that bitch to auto, go to the cabin, drink our fill and have sex till we arrive!" Sounds like a plan! See you at Hutton Orbital!
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