Logbook entry

A Stranger's Invitiation

29 Mar 2020OculusReborn
Ship Computer: Now arriving at Hutton Orbital. Please submit a docking request to land.

"Get dressed! We're here. We can't go strolling into the station half naked." Eclipse barks those words at me. Docking request submitted and auto dock engaged. As we're docking I pull up a map of the station interior to find this infamous bar that everyone wants to come here for. I turn my seat to the right and say to her, "you ready to drink those last 5 years away?" HELL YEAH, she replies. We approach the bar and all we hear are the sounds of truckers drunk off their ass having a good time. We walk up to an empty table and order a few rounds of this Centauri Mega Gin that's plastered all over the station. This stuff ain't back, she says to me." Well...we've got the credits, no one cares we were in prison, LET'S GET FUCKED UP! A round of grog for all me pilots here! Cheers erupt throughout the bar as inebriated truckers and traders enjoy free drinks to knock them on their asses.

I'm joined at my table by a trader who remembers me from time spent in prison. I go on length about wanting to get revenge on that asshole warden and the senator that had me arrested. He mentions heading to Jameson Memorial to pirate weary traders heading to and from the station. He asks what my plans were and if I wanted to join his crew. I have to talk to my partner about it. We haven't decided where we want to head to yet." He responds by telling me to let him know by tomorrow as he departs in the morning. And with that, he heads out to the station...whereabouts unknown. He wasn't even out of sight before I was approached by another commander. He kindly asks to sit down, to which I grant him. He asks if the lass with the purple hair serenading the bar is with me. Yes, that is my partner Eclipse. We've been partners since childhood. Grew up together, robbed pilots together and even went to prison together. He reaches into his flight suit pocket and pulls out a pamphlet. This is an invitation to a squad I am part of. We're a good group of pilots from HIP 19934. You and your lady friend should think about joining. Pirating isn't a good life choice and you could end up losing your life from it. You've been given a second chance when you guys were released and I think, from what I overheard, you have some piloting skills that could be put to good use within our faction. Think about. And by the way....our bar, the Mail-Slut" is a million times better than this." He shakes my hand and walks off. "Who was that dude?" She says to me. I forget his name. CMDR Tits, Tets, Tots...something like that. I'm too drunk to remember names right now. He wants us to give up pirating and use our second chance at life to keep the galaxy safe in their faction down in HIP 19934.

I sit on the bed in our hotel unit just staring at the pamphlet I received from that commander. Deep in thought, I wonder if life would be brighter using our skills for a good cause instead of being dastardly scoundrels. Jen climbs up behind me, wraps her arms around me and says, "What's wrong, babe?" You don't seem yourself." I reply by saying we should give this "Pilot Syndicate 4" faction a chance. We were given a 2nd chance. Let's help people. "I've always been with you. I will always continue to fly wherever you go. If you think we should do this, then I'm with you. Always and forever." With that, we lie down and get some sleep because it's a quite a trip to HIP 19934 from here.
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