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A Second Chance?

31 Mar 2020OculusReborn
On the word of a friendly stranger, we look into this "second chance" at life through Pilot Syndicate 4.

I look over at Jen as she's strapping up her boots and say, "Maybe we should leave behind our pirate call signs. If we really are here to start over, it would be a wise idea to drop them." She agrees but adds that we have been on several "WANTED" posters. I guess we'll just have to avoid any Federal entanglements. "So I guess we get to choose new call signs. I'm totally gonna be called PoisonHeart. How about Gridmaster for you? It does have a nice ring to it. I guess it'll work. Leaving so much of what we did in the past behind us is going to be hard to do. "Hey slowpoke, we're here. Get off your ass and walk this lady to the bar, will ya?" Yes ma'am, I replied.

After registering with the station management that we're here to join PS4, we're informed that Director Kelly is delighted to have us aboard. We're handed access keys to squad restricted areas of the station as well as a nice apartment. "Come on, babe, I'm thristy." We head down to this infamous bar I keep hearing about. As we get closer, the music and sounds of drunk pilots get louder. We walk in to see hotties table dancing, pilots singing, drinking and just having a good time. We take a seat at the bar and immediately the bartender tells me to move. I look at him like who the fuck. He points down and I see why. A nameplate says, "GUS' PLACE". My apologies friend." Who the hell is Gus, I whisper to Jen. She shrugs he shoulders. A pilot walks up to me and says that Gus is the squad leader. Jen and I look at each other in confusion. "Since when did they let kids in the bar?" she says. The young pilot replies, "My name is Lilli. The Mail-Slut is open to everyone. Though I may not drink here, it is a great hangout for the squad." Sorry friend. We're new to the squad. I'm Gridmaster and this is PoisonHeart. "Don't worry mates. We don't judge here. I've seen the wanted poster from Federal Congress. I know who you are, Oculus and Eclipse." She goes on to tell us to be who we are. Everyone here has a story to tell and not be ashamed of who we are or were. She hands us each 100mil credits and says consider the bounty for your heads paid, then walks away. The 2 of us look at each other amazed, yet for once in our life, safe.

I find myself having to carry a passed out Jen to our place. I lay her down on the bed, pull the covers over her and walk over to the window. I reach into my suit pocket and pull out the wanted poster for us and stare at it. "She's right. We can't run from who we were. We have to work hard to rectify it regardless of how long it takes." I leave the apartment and wander around the station. I visit several shoppes, establishments, wards and parks just to clear my head. I know I will never lose my hatred for the Federation, but that doesn't mean I should seek revenge for the wrongs I made. I visit one last store then head back home.

I'm greeted by a worried Jen. She slaps me and asks where I was. "Where the fuck were you? I was so worried that something happened. You didn't respond when I tried calling you. Did I do something wrong?" I just looked at her and smiled. "Why are smiling? WTF man?" She screamed. I kneel down and take her hand. I place a ring on her finger and say, "We are who we are. I won't run from my past, but I will work to better my, our, future. I'm going to start right by asking if you, Eclipse, would do me the honor of being my ice pirate wife!" In tears, we says she would love to! "So that is where you went off to!?" You scared me half to death, but I love you no matter what!" I grab 2 glasses of Lavian Brandy. I hand one to her and "CHEERS". Here's to our life of happiness, doing the right thing and Pilot Syndicate 4.
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︎3 Shiny!
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