Logbook entry

Mission Time!

04 Apr 2020OculusReborn
This is our first mission out as members of Pilot Syndicate 4.

A mission was passed down the Syndicate board to us because of our past "experiences." There was an election pending to move into another system and a spy had been exposed as handing out classified data to the Syndicate's opposition. We were tasked with eliminating the spy. Jen was all too happy. "It's about time I get to fucking kill someone! I was going nuts." We get the Gelgamech prepped and set a course to the Kaites system.

The intel we received showed the culprit was hiding out at the Rond d'Alembert Installation, a real shithole. She initiates silent running to cover our approach to the planet. Last thing we need is for them to be alerted to our presence. Scanners show just a lowly sidewinder flying around the base. It's equipped with 2 Class 1 pulse lasers. Even though this is a ship to which our SRV could destroy, it's best if this is done discreetly. We land about 4Kms out of perimeter range. As per usual, we flip a coin as to who gets the kill. She wins and heads down to the SRV bay. "I got my rifle and I'm ready to head out." I activate the lowering rig and drop the buggie down. She heads to a hill that overlooks the base. "Hey babe, I have an idea. This guy is freely walking around the docks like nothing is going wrong. I can silently shoot on the crane's chains to drop a container on him and it will look like an accident." "If you think it'll work, go for it." She lays prone on the hill's apex. Lines up her sight with the chain-link and BOOM! Crate snaps from the chain and falls on top of our unsuspecting victim. "Now the get the hell back here." "On my way, she proclaims."

SRV safely locked in bay and take-over procedures underway. She comes running up to the cockpit, big ass smile on her face. "God damn! That felt good." She jumps on my lap and kisses me. "Can we get out of this system before they start looking for anything?" Yes ma'am! We plot the course back to HIP 19934. We return to Fozard Dock and hand in the assignment. Credits received! I think we're gonna head to the mail-slut and spend some of these credits on a few drinks!
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︎3 Shiny!
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