Logbook entry

A Woman's Point of View

05 Apr 2020OculusReborn
This is CMDR Eclipse. The oh-so-happy bride to be doing her first log.

So while my fly boy was out buying some parts for the new ship and groceries, I decided to take the time to put my thoughts out there in the open about everything that has happened recently. When we were released from Astur's Vault, I was dead set on getting payback on the Federal scumbags that nabbed us. Oculus and I were going to run through those fools together. That all seemed to change when we arrived at Hutton Orbital. When he told me about what that SYN4 pilot had relayed to him, my eyes opened a bit. I figured we could use our skills and traits to help others. Something I didn't think about was, if we pledged to the Empire, we could hurt the Federation by helping the Empire. Found a way to ultimately hurt those assholes without actually touching them! Deep down I knew I want those Federal rats to pay. I've never had love for the Federation. This was known. Neither of us approved of them, so this is why we did the things that we did.

When we arrived at Fozard, it was a joyous atmosphere. Pilots all over seemed to be in a naturally happy mood. A few traders were arguing over sell prices, but nothing violent. The bar was the selling point for me. A ladys gotta have her drinks when hanging with new friends. I couldn't help feel somewhat insulted, yet approved when that young pilot gave us both 100m credits. I don't want hand outs, but it was a nice gesture to see that we weren't going to be judged for previously robbing people. I don't think I could take people who we call squadmates staring at us. I'd probably end up beating the shit of most of them. I say most because that Griffin guy is kind of scary looking. Like scary as in staring at you sleeping while licking a knife scary.

When he asked me to marry him, I was overjoyed. I didn't even need time to pause and think about it. I automatically said yes because deep down, I wanted no one else. To be honest though....I didn't really know anyone else. This is going to be a marriage of settling. We knew everything about each other. We've been together all our lives. I wouldn't want anyone else. That whole night I spent looking up destinations for a wedding while we was sound asleep. I was amazed I was able to get up and work on the ship in the morning. The lack of sleep would probably explain my moodiness. I don't care though. I was fucking happy!

That night when we went to the Trusty Tribble for food and eats, I ran into the owner of Sunday Girl, KingBoah. I asked about wedding services that we could provide. I told him that because my favorite color is, I wanted to be married by a neutron star. He suggested the perfect destination, Jackson's Lighthouse. I never heard of it so google was my next stop. GORGEOUS! He said that cruise offers full amenities, catering and services. Sadly we know no one. We have no family and the closest we have to friends is our ship's COVAS, who is a prick sometimes. His prices seemed reasonable and because we were all part of the same squad, we were offered a discount.

Later that night, I brought it back up to him and he was totally onboard with booking it. He said it's my wedding and he would spare no expense to make me happy. I know I'm not the girliest girl here, but when it comes to weddings, especially mine, I go full on chick! We booked the cruise for this upcoming weekend because we want this to happen ASAP! So I guess I'll write here again after the wedding. Hopefully get some good photos while at it!

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