Logbook entry

Full Steam Ahead

10 Apr 2020OculusReborn
"A rundown of the weekend's plans before the wedding."

So we got the wedding cruise planned for this upcoming Monday. Jen has stated, on numerous occasions, that she wants to get this done as soon as possible. I mean, I look forward to our wedding too, but she's really looking forward to it. Usually when she gets like this, she's got something up her sleeve. I just haven't been able to figure it out....yet. The cruise is all set to head to Jackson's Lighthouse to get hitched by neutron star. It's what she wanted, so I made her happy. Neither of us wanted something big. We didn't want half a million people we didn't like nor could stand, so we opted for just the two of us.

I haven't seen my little firecracker all day since I woke up this morning. She left a message that she was taking Haulin A$$ out to go shopping. Who knows what she's going to come back home with. It just might be credit card debt. Guess that means I'll have to start up pirating again to pay it off. I have quite a bit of work to accomplish today. We agreed to outfit the Krait MKII into a mining craft. I've been hearing all kinds of stories from these SYN4 guys about this "triple LTD overlap" in Borann. We figured we would head out there and spend a couple days mining low temp diamonds to get our fleet paid for. Well I better get to work on this and stop wasting time.
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