Logbook entry

What's next?

26 Apr 2020OculusReborn
We returned from our honeymoon and pondered on what we want to do next. A lot of professions are looking for skillful pilots. There are traders, transports, couriers, system security, and miners. We have a few ships, but none equipped for big cargo hauls or mining. Our ships can run courier missions, but honestly, that seems boring as shit. Use the postal service! System security is another option, but they are bound by so many rules and regulations. We are pilots who can operate within excessive rules and regulations. With so many options, come so many rules! "This is turning into such a pain in the ass!"

Jen turns to me and says, "How about black ops/bounty hunting?" These 2 professions seem to be right up our alley. Our ships are mainly outfitted for combat and bounty hunting. Yeah we carry hatch breakers, but we only steal from wanted vessels. I do believe we can find work acting outside the law for our faction. The two of us have never been ones to adhere to rules and such, so this would be the most viable option. It's no problem for my new pirate wife because she's still got that killer urge. I can tell. She tweaks with hardpoint modifications almost everyday. And when she isn't working on them, she's looking through catalogs to search for different mods. Girl is OBSESSED! I guess that is why I love her.

So we decided on bounty hunting and black ops. We have an "appointment" tonight with a "contact" who has issued a bounty for a "special" someone. We'll see how this goes. My other half is spending the downtime till then working on the ship. At least I know we won't be having any module failures with the amount of time she's spending on it. She's the greasemonkey while I'm more of the planner. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. This has worked out for us ever since we started out, so we don't plan on changing a thing.

CMDRs Oculus and Eclipse
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