Logbook entry

A New Crew. A New Mission. A New Beginning.

19 Jun 2020OculusReborn
So Eclipse and I have been working for a squadron for some time now. The pay is eh and the adventures are blah. One day she decided we should get a crew of own and set off on some mercenary missions. The pay is excellent and we were born for this kind of life.

We were in the area of Gotham Park in Alioth and decided to see what rag tag bunch of scallywags we could get to join us. Eclipse points out to this titty bar/hunter's den that looked interesting. It was called Jehnna's Lair" . I couldn't tell if she wanted to look for a crew or scope out topless dancers. Either way she was going to be occupied. I sat down next to these 3 hunter who looked fresh out of high school. They were talking about getting a business together but lacked an adequate fleet or starting funds. I introduced myself and my wife that we were looking for a crew to do some mercenary and hunting business ventures.

"My name is Selena. Me and my friends were looking to do the same. Sadly we only have a decommissioned Cobra which needs mad TLC to fly. If you're looking for some crew, we're available. We all have the skills and confirmed kills if you need background checks."

Sounds promising, I thought to myself. I guess this couldn't hurt. If you have supplies and gear, I would suggest you pack up and load it onto the Krait MK at dock 41. How about introducing us to the rest of your friends there.

"This is Angel aka Siren. Over there arguing with the bartender is Matt aka Killshot and the last one who is still at the shop is Tara aka RedWitch. She's out gearhead."

Grab your shit and load up. We need to locate a new station to headquarter out of.

"There's a good market and loaction is 78 Ursae Majoris. It's an Alliance system, so it's perfect for avoiding the Federation and Empire."

Hey Eclipse, how about 78 Ursae Majoris? The kid says there's good markets there. "Sounds good, she says." Well, it looks like we are on our way to 78 Ursae Majoris. Let's head out!
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