All Hands, Battle Stations!
28 Feb 2020Wes_7569
Begin log: 0602.28War is pending in Wolf 359. The Wolf Conservatives are pushing for war again with Red Squadron, even after the pounding we gave them last time. My squadron is itching for a fight with all the rewards we picked up last time, hopefully we will earn another few hundred million from the wing missions. The deployment of our fleet last time worked great so we will go for the same tactics again. Until the Spec. Ops. arrives we will go after the ships taking the most fire. When Spec. Ops. does arrive, our forces will split. The medium and small ships will go after those that the friendly Spec. Ops. is attacking while the larger combat ships will take on the enemy Spec. Ops. After they are destroyed I will split off and take out the smaller ships with my Corvette to get the majority of the fleet attacking the same ships.
We stay away from the battles involving the Capital Ships though, although winning is easier, we earn a lot less due to the Capital Ships getting the credit for most of the kills.
We are still suffering from famine thanks to the random negative effects that are now attacking every system, so the war will probably bring us down again. Wondering if we will still have the strange conditions with the missions that will be available like with what happened in the election we just won. If there are no war missions and only famine, we may stand a chance to not only win this coming war, but continue to improve the economy at the same time. This wont bring us the wing missions we desire for the commanders in my squadron, but we will deal with whatever comes our way.