Outbreak in SOL
12 Mar 2020Wes_7569
Warning for all commanders and spreading the word to stay safe and avoid the Outbreak. For reasons beyond my comprehension people are buying in bulk items things that will not help with the outbreak. This is a respiratory event and no amount of hand sanitizer or toilet paper will keep you safe from it. Just be aware of what you are touching and wash your hands thoroughly.
With that being said however, be sure you are supplied with all the regular household goods that you need. Keep your self aware of how you feel and those around you. If you are coughing, please wear a mask or cough into your arm or under your shirt. It is not much but it will help. Stay hydrated, eat healthy, travel as little as possible.
If you are sick in any way please do not visit at any Hospital or Medical Center unless you are going there to check yourself in. Visiting will only have the potential to spread whatever sickness that person has. The more this outbreak is contained the faster that we can all get through this.
What makes this virus so dangerous is that many can have it without realizing that they do with no symptoms and then it spreads to others who can get seriously sick. So even if you are feeling fine do not engage in public events unless you absolutely have to.
Stay safe commanders and spread the word.