Cmdr Lykanthropias
Federal agent / Diplomat
Registered ship name
BNS Fallen Angel
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette BLUE-1
Overall assets
Fleet of Blue Horizon
Zachary Hudson

Logbook entry

Nemisis Logs

21 May 2022Lykanthropias
FNC Nemesis Sword

Log 19 | MAY/21/3308
Admiral Miyard

Private Log

"A long time has passed since the last time actually something notable happened. It's more quiet than usual in my quarters and besides the paperwork there's really nothing to do. Looking out into the stars I almost feel lonely or lost even if that is not the case at all, the carrier personal is as busy as usual, the politics constantly demand my attention and there's always the fear in my people about a possible Thargoid attack. We might be even further away than Sol from said threat but that is only the case in the reports of our intelligence and might be a completely different image in reality and I can't deny that this constant threat takes my sleep from time to time especially in a time where the federal government is palsied from the always ongoing power-play and the already starting campaigns for the elections of next year. As much my loyalty is with the federation I fear that we are alone in these unsafe times. I have no regret in publishing my thoughts here and also not to say that I hope the best for all citizens and pilots regarding there allegiance to empire or alliance and all which chose to be independent. I will give another report in the future or if something notable happens. Miyard out."
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