Logbook entry

A story of Guardian grinding and Thargoid surprises

I’d seen the marker on my galaxy map ever since I joined up with the 46&2nd regiment, an odd little green marker way down towards the Pleiades. The note said “encoded/raw farming”. Raw materials I’d never had that much of an issue with, and the Jameson crash had always given me the encoded materials I could trade across for at Antal. I ignored it for the most part.
I had just finished up my Guardian expedition. 16 hours of grinding in the Synuefe sector, hundreds of sentinels destroyed, my spreadsheet of required materials was satiated. I had enough Guardian materials to unlock every blueprint. Travelling back, in my Diamondback Explorer, I marvelled at the wonders I would be able to create once I finally got back to the bubble. Once I was there, I remembered that not all goods come at a credit price, nor can they be traded for. HN shock mounts, micro-controllers, and a dozen other commodities were required to complete my task. I plotted out the nearest system to my home, Marici, where I could purchase these commodities. Alas, the DbX is not a hauler, and cargo space was limited.
A badly-timed interdiction dropped me down to 30% hull, and I was not going to risk that again. Switching to my slower but better armed Cutter, I travelled and collected the remaining commodities required. Only one mission gave me real pause. A wetwork mission, assassinating a local general, ConJoint. On my first arrival, he and his entourage of 4 medium ships ignored me. I’d never taken on a Federal Corvette before, but it wasn’t a wing mission so I wasn’t worried. Once I opened fire with my overcharged Plasma Accelerator, I thought it would be an easy kill. Little did I know at the time, this wasn’t your average RNG-build wanted anaconda, it was a battleship. More manoeuvrable than I expected, after the initial volley I had difficulty keeping him in my sights. Before long, his entourage had peeled off my shields and half my hull. Conjoint was down to 40% hull, but I was at 16%, and I didn’t want to spend 47 million on the hope that I could take him down. I jumped away to lick my wounds.
500k credits later, I returned to the system and hunted him down again. Same entourage, same ship, but with a crucial difference; I was wanted in the system. I engaged him again, one plasma shot followed by a boosted ram. His shields barely survived my initial onslaught. I kept on top of him, grinding against him like the tide on a shore. No doubt I’d have to tip my engineer back at the station, to repaint. I’d taken him down to 80% hull, when I realized that something was different about this engagement; SYSTEM AUTHORITIES ARRIVING IN 00M 10S. Activating a shield cell, I desperately tried to finish the fight. Evading me, as though he knew that buying time would mean far more trouble for me, I couldn’t kill him before the authorities arrived. 6 ships jumped in, adding to the 4 that Conjoint already had with him. My cells barely kept up with the laser barrage, but with a desperate hit with the plasma accelerator, I killed him and escaped the system. This was the final piece of my Guardian plan. Handing in the mission and taking the Articulation Motors, I went and finished buying the Class 2 and 3 Turret Plasma Chargers.
I felt like I wanted something new, but more relaxing, so I decided to take my DbX down and check out that squadron bookmark. The new FSD booster reduced the time down to 9 jumps. Back when I wanted to unlock Felicity, I remember it being closer to 40 (type 9s are not known for their range, certainly not ones carrying 400 meta-alloys).
Once in HIP 16613, I noticed that an odd point of interest had shown up in my Nav page. “The Bug Killer”, on a nearby planet. I flew over to check it out, on the dark side of A 1. As I neared my landing site, I saw the wreckage, strewn about a couple hundred metres behind a crashed Anaconda. Night vision was required to land, although the parts strewn about were illuminated by my SRV headlights just fine. Once I landed, I drove my buggy around the site, finding cargo racks filled with precious raw materials and data points revealing the history of the ship. A rather neat place I thought, although the racks were too spread out for any real efficiency. But I figured that a few rounds wouldn’t hurt.
After the first round, I came back, resuming my loops. Then everything turned green. I activated the turret and looked up. A Thargoid was staring at me, its central bulbs enclosed by the canopy examining me as I was examining it. My last encounter I was far more helpless, it shutting down all my electronics before going about its business. Although dual plasma repeaters against a Thargoid, the only way I stood a chance was if the pilot had a stroke and didn’t react. As before, it scanned, and flew away. One more round later, I waited for him to arrive. After maybe 30 seconds of it being a no-show, I took the camera high and looked around. One of their ships was firing a beam at a nearby green cloud I hadn’t noticed before. Intrigued, I drove my SRV across the dark terrain towards the mysterious destination.
As I entered the green cloud, my SRV warned me, HULL INTEGRITY BELOW 50%. My first thought was one of a corrosive atmosphere. My second thought was of how bad my driving was. A small canyon opened, revealing the carnage of a lone SRV, and an occupied escape pod nearby. Scooping up the pod, I then travelled back to the anaconda, discovering that my DbX had despawned in my absence. Either that or a Thargoid had decided it wanted a DbX bobblehead.
Every time I return there, a Thargoid arrives, as though they are drawn to the site like I was. I’m led to wonder if they’re just curious as we are, or if their intentions at this site are more sinister than idle curiosity.
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︎3 Shiny!
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