Logbook entry

01ST establishes the CDC

28 Apr 2021Wolthbrook
Drifting towards the newly aquired carrier of the Legio Custodes 01ST strike group, Commander Wolthbrook couldn't help but let a smile cross his stoic face. Looking back across the years and the work the 01st initiative put into even funding the build for the Arch Prime, he was a bit taken aback at the pace the 01ST Legion was able to fund and build a second carrier, almost fully equipped up to standard of the Arch. It was truly a beauty to behold, the blue and black paint, fresh without even a flake or smudge. Caught in the moment the Legatus could only stare as the 01ST Consoluar drifted lazily towards the new behemoth ready to operate in service to the Legion. "Hopefully the Primus is pleased with himself" Wolthbrook whispered, smiling slightly, envisioning the party that was probably putting the bulkheads to her first true test. The Legatus of the Legion let his smile broaden at the name of the Carrier... The Center for Disease Control, almost as ancient as it was fitting for the operations this new megaship would no doubt be a part of... a small breath of fresh air for the Arch, perhaps the jump drives would be able to cool off for once aboard the Factions current HQ. The various people cramped in the makeshift homestead of the Arch would be relieved to hear the go ahead to allow ships, and citizens of the Legion alike to migrate freely between the two, although no doubt as the 01ST gains momentum, the Legatus was sure both would be crammed packed with ships and civilians soon enough. "One day we will all have a home" unwavering resolve was the tone in the Commanders voice as he extended his landing and made to dock for the first time aboard the CDC. "I wonder if the Primus is too far gone in Lavian Brandy to receive me", he sighed, "CDC, this is Commander Wolthbrook Legatus of the 01ST Legion positioning to dock."
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