Logbook entry

1st Log Entry / Thetis signal search day 2

19 May 2017Keatts
Don't know why I never thought to keep logs. Guess I was too busy grinding out various things. Now that I've gotten to triple elite, I find myself feeling like I'm "retired" as there's not much left to grind for. I've only got a few ranks of Imperial Navy left plus a few engineers that I haven't felt like ingratiating myself with just yet.

Now that my focus is back onto exploration and figuring out the game's mysteries, it's probably time to start doing these.


Day 2 of the Thetis signal search - Day one was spent visiting the generation ship Thetis, getting thoroughly creeped out by the log messages, and searching the Nefertem system and one of two candidate systems that is roughly 15LY from the Thetis as described in the log (can't remember the name.) Nothing so far.

Today I visited the second candidate system, LHS 2259, and LHS 2149, which is farther from Nefertem but if the Thetis traveled farther after the log was made, it's likely the mystery signal is in a system closer to Sol. Spending the night on planet 7A (the only airless and hence landable planet in the system.) Thought maybe the signal might be here, but nothing so far. Also stopped at each encoded and degraded signal source I came across, also to no avail.

Probably wasting my time with this as the only information in the logs is that the crew member that decoded the signal estimates the signal came from a planet they passed 15LY before the log entry was made. There's no information about WHEN the log entry was made or how much the ship traveled / drifted afterwards.
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