Logbook entry

Thetis signal search day 3 / Maia distress signal search

23 May 2017Keatts
Day 3 of the search for the Thetis mystery signal is a bust. Also picked up some stray canisters while on the surface of LHS 2149 7A then took an absolute beating when investigating a distress signal. I was in my AspEx so in addition to the hull damage, all the weapons, the sensors, and a few other components were 100% destroyed. Took me a while to figure out how to dock without being able to see any contacts on my scope (reboot/repair turned out to be the trick.) Why on Earth did I get rid of the AFMU? Oh, yeah. I needed the cargo space. Idiot.

Onto the Maia distress signal investigation. Apparently, the aliens doing the hyperdictions are now involved in some way with distress signal sources. Flew out to Maia to see if I could find any, but nada so far. Stopped for the night (I thought) at Obsidian Orbital, but was dumb enough to look at the mission listings and found 2 to drop 5 tons of cargo in Lokipi for 2.5MCr. Sure, why not. I'm a sucker for shiny.

Staying the night at Laird Penal Colony. My thimble runneth over.
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︎1 Shiny!
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