Logbook entry

Unknown Ship Activity

14 Jun 2017Keatts
Spent some time in the Pleiades Sector over the last few days waiting for an encounter with the Unknown Ships. Zip nada is what I encountered.

And missed the opportunity to turn in US data I got when I was hyperdicted because I didn't receive the CG announcement until it was already over. Somebody screwed the pooch on that one.

Sold off all the meta-alloys I got while waiting for US's to show up and made a tidy sum, so there is that.

Found the last remains of the Fed fleet that was carrying US data in HIP 17044. No survivors found and the beacon that was transmitting the Thargoid warning doesn't seem to be transmitting anymore. So another missed boat as a result of living in the wrong timezone. Ugh.

Shutting down for the night with the ghosts of the Fed fleet to keep me company.

CMDR BreaksWindu
AspEx Beagle
HIP 17044
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