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Survey Vessel Victoria's Song

28 Jun 2017Keatts
Took a bit of a break after the encounter with the Royal Asshats Brotherhood member.

Heard there was new alien activity going on so I went to visit Professor Palin to see if he had any spare corrosion resistant cargo holds. As it turns out, he had a couple of two unit cargo hold modules that just came off the production line. I do so love the smell of new ship equipment in the morning. Also had him take my AspEx's thrusters from engineering level 4 to 5. Got some pretty good numbers from his RNG so I was quite happy to hand over the materials he was asking for. Got into a bit of trouble with the Feds on departure from his station, tho'. I got a little cocky trying out the Prof's upgrades by attempting to burst through the forks of the frigate on station over his base. Used to be able to do this before, but this time I rammed square into their shields and limped away with 7% hull integrity. They didn't much care for that so they started shooting at me, but hey, any collision you can walk away from ...

Anyway, before going on the hunt for new alien structures, I went to check out the survey vessel Victoria's Song at HIP 17125 A3. Ship looks in good order but appears to be completely deserted. The logs I collected give a pretty good indication as to why, tho'.

CMDR BreaksWindu
AspEx Beagle
Obsidian Orbital, Maia
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