Logbook entry

Looking for Lavender

04 Feb 2022Kerada
It's not really an epic trip, but we, on The Fat White Tyke, are setting out on a little expedition to a decidedly unremarkable Nebula - or that's what it looks like.

The Lavender Nebula does sound quite pretty but its main claim might be that it's the midpoint of the triangle that is made by Sol, Colonia and Sagittarius A*.

It sits in an area that is fairly unexplored in relation to star density so some fun discoveries might be there to be made. It is however, only 16,000Ly from the bubble and not that far away from the busy routes to Colonia and Sagittarius A*.

The plan is to get Kathryn, the deck officer, to jump The Tyke to some known attractions along the route whilst I, and anyone who tags along, take the slow route and meet up with the carrier at these rendezvous points. If we get space crazy, we can always sit in the bar on the fleet carrier and enjoy the ride. Yes, Giulianna the bartender is coming along, together with Vista Genomics boffin Charlene, Refueler Aryana, Katrina for Repairs, and Restocking by Raymond. Analise will look after any spare ships and Rayna will store modules.

After staying and exploring around the Lavender Nebula, the return journey will, most likely, be direct with few, if any, extended stops.

This is a relaxed and informal trip, there's no fixed timetable. If you join us at any point, please make yourself known and we'll make you very welcome. Progress will be slow so catching us shouldn't be a problem.

Down in the Tritium Depot, Philip likes to plan in minutia. He's plotted out a course and fuel use here: Route and fuel spreadsheet

Updates will also be in a channel on the Fleet Carrier Owner's Club discord.
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