Logbook entry

Bowtie for the evening

02 May 2022Kerada
We parked overnight precariously perched alongside the twin neutron stars at HD 160167. Giulianna, the bartender was squinting all evening as they shone through the window of the pilot's lounge - she spilt even more drinks than usual!

Whilst I did a spot of exobiology sampling, Kathryn took care of guiding the fleet carrier on it's journey to the Spare Tyre Nebula. The last leg of that trip I hopped on board as our destination for the night is not reachable by conventional ships.

There was a scary moment along the way at Aucoks UZ-X D1-13 when I dropped out of hyperspace between three stars just 50Ly apart. There were a total of five in the system, but these three were unusually close. The ship sustained some damage, but survived thankfully.

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