Logbook entry

A Solstice Wish

04 Dec 2015Kitsu Sean
I finally did it. I joined a faction. A minor one, yes, but one I happen to agree with. For the most part they seem Independent with some members being affiliated with some of the more legitimate Powers. Personally I can't stand politics. It's politicians that sent my Team and I into some of my most nightmare inducing bullshit of my life and I refuse to go back into that shit. I like my independence. I don't mind helping the Wolves of Jonai out because eventually I'll need a home besides my ship and I figure with them I can maybe stake a claim somewhere in system and be left alone in my old age, assuming I make it that far.

It's something to fight for at least and I guess I still have a lot of fight left in me. Anger maybe or just plain cussed meanness as my sister keeps telling me at times. Crap...that reminds me...the holidays are approaching again and I'll have to come up with another excuse to miss Solstice dinner. Don't get me wrong, I love my sister. I do. However, the normalcy of her life and that of her husband and kids bugs me I guess. Maybe I'm jealous, I don't know. Maybe I'm just a grouch, but whatever it is, it bugs me. I think I'll find some Pirates for Solstice and make a light show out of their flaming wrecks over Jonai. That would cheer my holiday spirit.
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