Logbook entry


11 Jul 2015Kitsu Sean
I grew up a Fed. Likely will die the same way. I keep abreast of local politics sure, just the parts that directly affect me, but overall I couldn't care less about most of the rhetoric. Oh sure, I've done some work here and there for the Empire and even the Alliance boys. Most of it I can't really talk about. The Federation though was my birthplace and where I grew up. Oh I don't have a sob story about lost parents or disasters or anything like you. I wasn't mistreated or molested growing up. Pretty standard and average childhood I'd say. You're giving me that look that is asking why I'm doing what I do. Simple answer, money. Credits. The cash flow to keep me flying. I know you aren't worth much and I've heard all your begging. It's why I put the Neuralcuffs on ya and set em to silence. I've heard it all before from every other bounty I've brought in. Count yourself lucky that I'm bringing you in alive. The bounty writ says "Dead or Alive" with dead underlined. Alive strangely pays less but I don't kill unless it's either personal or there's no other choice. My days of killing for a cause were over and done with when I mustered out of the Federal Navy.

Yeah. Navy puke. You Army boys are all the same. Think that pilots are shtako because we tend to fly you mud-bugs in or drop you from orbit. Idiots. There's always someone on the ground before you guys. Usually me and my team. Yeah. I see you understand now. That's right, I'm a former Long Range Reconnaissance Trooper. We go in, gather intelligence, plot your drop-zones, sometimes eliminate high value targets, and we do it all before you mud-bugs drop in to get the "glory".  The reason I'm talking to you though instead of doping you and putting you in a cryo-tube is because I got this problem with deserters. Got a bigger problem with traitors too. Ya see, when you decided to rig those fuel tanks on Keshran Base to blow, you switched teams. Not sure why and truthfully? Don't really care. You killed a lot of innocent people that day. Oh yeah yeah...soldiers and war and all that shtako. Problem is...the Federation hasn't declared war on anyone...yet and no one has openly declared war on the Feds. That makes you a terrorist not a soldier. The fact that you ran instead of blowing yourself up means that you're planning or at least you -were- planning to do this again somewhere else. The Federation can't have that so they sic'd a bunch of us bounty hunters on your trail. Just happened to be me that sniffed ya out first. Lucky you. Don't give me that look. I said I wasn't gonna kill ya. Someone else might. Hell, might be right after I turn you over at the nearest station but I'll have your bounty in my account and I'll be shagging a waitress before you're cold.

You keep glancing at the needle I'm holding. You know what's in here, don't ya? Think it's Brainmelt? Nope. I wouldn't do that to ya. This here is a special cocktail we used to use back in the day. Makes you feel real good and highly suggestible. See...I need to know the other members of your cell. Pretty damn sure you didn't rig that bomb alone. Pretty sure someone ordered you to do it. I need to know who. You look confused. Why? I've got a standing bounty on terrorists ya see and that pays a LOT more than just yours. So you're gonna talk once I turn off the cuffs. You're gonna even enjoy talking to me like we're the best of friends.  Ouch now that's a look that is wishing me grievous bodily harm. Nope. Don't feel the need to take the cuffs off and prove my manliness in hand to hand combat with you. You're just a few moments away from being a hundred kilo's worth of credits to me. Hold still now. I hear this shtako stings going in before the euphoria sets in.
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︎1 Shiny!
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